Professor Stuart A. Kinner
Professor Stuart A. Kinner
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Cited by
Cited by
Global burden of HIV, viral hepatitis, and tuberculosis in prisoners and detainees
K Dolan, AL Wirtz, B Moazen, M Ndeffo-Mbah, A Galvani, SA Kinner, ...
The Lancet 388 (10049), 1089-1102, 2016
Progress in adolescent health and wellbeing: tracking 12 headline indicators for 195 countries and territories, 1990–2016
PS Azzopardi, SJC Hearps, KL Francis, EC Kennedy, AH Mokdad, ...
The Lancet 393 (10176), 1101-1118, 2019
Prisons and custodial settings are part of a comprehensive response to COVID-19
SA Kinner, JT Young, K Snow, L Southalan, D Lopez-Acuņa, ...
The Lancet Public Health 5 (4), e188-e189, 2020
AUSTRALIAN DRUG TRENDS 2009 Findings from the Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS) Australian Drug Trends Series No. 37
J Stafford, L Burns
Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, 2010
Do paternal arrest and imprisonment lead to child behaviour problems and substance use? A longitudinal analysis
SA Kinner, R Alati, JM Najman, GM Williams
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 48 (11), 1148-1156, 2007
Understanding and improving the health of people who experience incarceration: an overview and synthesis
SA Kinner, JT Young
Epidemiologic reviews 40 (1), 4-11, 2018
The epidemiology of methamphetamine use and harm in Australia
L Degenhardt, A Roxburgh, E Black, R Bruno, G Campbell, S Kinner, ...
Drug and alcohol review 27 (3), 243-252, 2008
A systematic review of randomized controlled trials of interventions to improve the health of persons during imprisonment and in the year after release
FG Kouyoumdjian, KE McIsaac, J Liauw, S Green, F Karachiwalla, W Siu, ...
American journal of public health 105 (4), e13-e33, 2015
The health of adolescents in detention: a global scoping review
R Borschmann, E Janca, A Carter, M Willoughby, N Hughes, K Snow, ...
The Lancet Public Health 5 (2), e114-e126, 2020
Incidence and risk factors for non-fatal overdose among a cohort of recently incarcerated illicit drug users
SA Kinner, MJ Milloy, E Wood, J Qi, R Zhang, T Kerr
Addictive behaviors 37 (6), 691-696, 2012
The case for improving the health of ex-prisoners
SA Kinner, EA Wang
American journal of public health 104 (8), 1352-1355, 2014
Systematic review of record linkage studies of mortality in ex‐prisoners: why (good) methods matter
SA Kinner, S Forsyth, G Williams
Addiction 108 (1), 38-49, 2013
Prevalence of mental illness among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Queensland prisons
EB Heffernan, KC Andersen, A Dev, S Kinner
Medical Journal of Australia 197 (1), 37-41, 2012
Early predictors of adult drinking: a birth cohort study
R Alati, JM Najman, SA Kinner, AA Mamun, GM Williams, M O'Callaghan, ...
American Journal of Epidemiology 162 (11), 1098-1107, 2005
Outcomes of the Victorian Safewards trial in 13 wards: Impact on seclusion rates and fidelity measurement
J Fletcher, M Spittal, L Brophy, H Tibble, S Kinner, S Elsom, B Hamilton
International journal of mental health nursing 26 (5), 461-471, 2017
Attitudes towards seclusion and restraint in mental health settings: findings from a large, community-based survey of consumers, carers and mental health professionals
SA Kinner, C Harvey, B Hamilton, L Brophy, C Roper, B McSherry, ...
Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences 26 (5), 535-544, 2017
Global prison health care governance and health equity: a critical lack of evidence
KE McLeod, A Butler, JT Young, L Southalan, R Borschmann, ...
American journal of public health 110 (3), 303-308, 2020
Gender differences in the relationships between alcohol, tobacco and mental health in patients attending an emergency department
R Alati, S Kinner, JM Najman, G Fowler, K Watt, D Green
Alcohol and Alcoholism 39 (5), 463-469, 2004
Prevalence of drug injection, sexual activity, tattooing, and piercing among prison inmates
B Moazen, S Saeedi Moghaddam, MA Silbernagl, M Lotfizadeh, ...
Epidemiologic reviews 40 (1), 58-69, 2018
Trends in morphine prescriptions, illicit morphine use and associated harms among regular injecting drug users in Australia
L Degenhardt, E Black, C Breen, R Bruno, S Kinner, A Roxburgh, C Fry, ...
Drug and Alcohol Review 25 (5), 403-412, 2006
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Articles 1–20