Paul Stolee
Paul Stolee
School of Public Health Sciences, University of Waterloo
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Frailty in elderly people: an evolving concept.
K Rockwood, RA Fox, P Stolee, D Robertson, BL Beattie
CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal 150 (4), 489, 1994
Frailty is associated with postoperative complications in older adults with medical problems
M Dasgupta, DB Rolfson, P Stolee, MJ Borrie, M Speechley
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 48 (1), 78-83, 2009
State of the art in geriatric rehabilitation. Part I: review of frailty and comprehensive geriatric assessment
JL Wells, JA Seabrook, P Stolee, MJ Borrie, F Knoefel
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 84 (6), 890-897, 2003
Development and validation of an improving prescribing in the elderly tool.
CT Naugler, C Brymer, P Stolee, ZA Arcese
The Canadian journal of clinical pharmacology= Journal canadien de …, 2000
Illness presentation in elderly patients
PG Jarrett, K Rockwood, D Carver, P Stolee, S Cosway
Archives of Internal Medicine 155 (10), 1060-1064, 1995
Increasing the recognition of delirium in elderly patients
K Rockwood, S Cosway, P Stolee, D Kydd, D Carver, P Jarrett, B O'Brien
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 42 (3), 252-256, 1994
Facilitators and barriers of implementing the chronic care model in primary care: a systematic review
MK Kadu, P Stolee
BMC family practice 16, 1-14, 2015
Factors associated with institutionalization of older people in Canada: testing a multifactorial definition of frailty
K Rockwood, P Stolee, I McDowell
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 44 (5), 578-582, 1996
Navigation roles support chronically ill older adults through healthcare transitions: a systematic review of the literature
B Manderson, J Mcmurray, E Piraino, P Stolee
Health & social care in the community 20 (2), 113-127, 2012
Effectiveness of continuing education in long-term care: a literature review
S Aylward, P Stolee, N Keat, V Johncox
The gerontologist 43 (2), 259-271, 2003
Responsiveness of goal attainment scaling in a randomized controlled trial of comprehensive geriatric assessment
K Rockwood, S Howlett, K Stadnyk, D Carver, C Powell, P Stolee
Journal of clinical epidemiology 56 (8), 736-743, 2003
Use of goal attainment scaling in measuring clinically important change in the frail elderly
K Rockwood, P Stolee, RA FoxP
Journal of clinical epidemiology 46 (10), 1113-1118, 1993
Use of goal attainment scaling in measuring clinically important change in cognitive rehabilitation patients
K Rockwood, B Joyce, P Stolee
Journal of clinical epidemiology 50 (5), 581-588, 1997
Instruments for the assessment of pain in older persons with cognitive impairment
P Stolee, LM Hillier, J Esbaugh, N Bol, L McKellar, N Gauthier
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 53 (2), 319-326, 2005
Examining three frailty conceptualizations in their ability to predict negative outcomes for home-care clients
JJ Armstrong, P Stolee, JP Hirdes, JW Poss
Age and ageing 39 (6), 755-758, 2010
User acceptance of wrist-worn activity trackers among community-dwelling older adults: mixed method study
A Puri, B Kim, O Nguyen, P Stolee, J Tung, J Lee
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 5 (11), e8211, 2017
Enhancing dementia care: a primary care–based memory clinic
L Lee, LM Hillier, P Stolee, G Heckman, M Gagnon, CA McAiney, ...
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 58 (11), 2197-2204, 2010
The use of goal attainment scaling in a geriatric care setting
P Stolee, K Rockwood, RA Fox, DL Streiner
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 40 (6), 574-578, 1992
Integrated transitional care: patient, informal caregiver and health care provider perspectives on care transitions for older persons with hip fracture
J Toscan, K Mairs, S Hinton, P Stolee, InfoRehab Research Team
International journal of integrated care 12, 2012
Giving voice to older adults living with frailty and their family caregivers: engagement of older adults living with frailty in research, health care decision making, and in …
J Holroyd-Leduc, J Resin, L Ashley, D Barwich, J Elliott, P Huras, ...
Research Involvement and Engagement 2, 1-19, 2016
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Articles 1–20