Adam Sherk
Adam Sherk
Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research
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Deaths and years of potential life lost from excessive alcohol use—United States, 2011–2015
MB Esser
MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report 69, 2020
Alcohol consumption and the physical availability of take-away alcohol: systematic reviews and meta-analyses of the days and hours of sale and outlet density
A Sherk, T Stockwell, T Chikritzhs, S Andréasson, C Angus, J Gripenberg, ...
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 79 (1), 58-67, 2018
Association between daily alcohol intake and risk of all-cause mortality: a systematic review and meta-analyses
J Zhao, T Stockwell, T Naimi, S Churchill, J Clay, A Sherk
JAMA network open 6 (3), e236185-e236185, 2023
Estimated deaths attributable to excessive alcohol use among US adults aged 20 to 64 years, 2015 to 2019
MB Esser, G Leung, A Sherk, MK Bohm, Y Liu, H Lu, TS Naimi
JAMA network open 5 (11), e2239485-e2239485, 2022
The burden of alcohol on health care during COVID‐19
T Stockwell, S Andreasson, C Cherpitel, T Chikritzhs, F Dangardt, ...
Drug and Alcohol Review 40 (1), 3-7, 2021
Underestimation of alcohol consumption in cohort studies and implications for alcohol's contribution to the global burden of disease
T Stockwell, J Zhao, A Sherk, J Rehm, K Shield, T Naimi
Addiction 113 (12), 2245-2249, 2018
Who consumes most of the cannabis in Canada? Profiles of cannabis consumption by quantity
RC Callaghan, M Sanches, C Benny, T Stockwell, A Sherk, SJ Kish
Drug and alcohol dependence 205, 107587, 2019
Canada’s guidance on alcohol and health
C Paradis, P Butt, K Shield, N Poole, S Wells, T Naimi, A Sherk
Final Rep, 2023
Estimating the public health impact of disbanding a government alcohol monopoly: application of new methods to the case of Sweden
T Stockwell, A Sherk, T Norström, C Angus, M Ramstedt, S Andréasson, ...
BMC public health 18 (1), 1-16, 2018
Assessing the impacts of Saskatchewan's minimum alcohol pricing regulations on alcohol‐related crime
T Stockwell, J Zhao, A Sherk, RC Callaghan, S Macdonald, J Gatley
Drug and Alcohol Review 36 (4), 492-501, 2017
Does drinking within low-risk guidelines prevent harm? Implications for high-income countries using the international model of alcohol harms and policies
A Sherk, G Thomas, S Churchill, T Stockwell
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 81 (3), 352-361, 2020
Estimation of the impacts of substance use on workplace productivity: a hybrid human capital and prevalence-based approach applied to Canada
JT Sorge, M Young, B Maloney-Hall, A Sherk, P Kent, J Zhao, T Stockwell, ...
Canadian Journal of Public Health 111, 202-211, 2020
Alcohol, age, and mortality: estimating selection bias due to premature death
TS Naimi, LA Stadtmueller, T Chikritzhs, T Stockwell, J Zhao, A Britton, ...
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 80 (1), 63-68, 2019
The International Model of Alcohol Harms and Policies (InterMAHP): A comprehensive guide to the estimation of alcohol-attributable morbidity and mortality. Version 1.0 …
A Sherk, T Stockwell, J Rehm, J Dorocicz, KD Shield
Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research, University of Victoria …, 2017
the Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines Scientific Expert Panels.(2023)
C Paradis, P Butt, K Shield, N Poole, S Wells, T Naimi, A Sherk
Canada’s guidance on alcohol and health: Final report, 2023-01, 0
Canadian substance use costs and harms (2015-2017)
T Stockwell, J Dorocicz, A Sherk, J Sorge, J Zhao
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, 2020
Improving estimates of alcohol-attributable deaths in the United States: impact of adjusting for the underreporting of alcohol consumption
MB Esser, A Sherk, MS Subbaraman, P Martinez, KJ Karriker-Jaffe, ...
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 83 (1), 134-144, 2022
Distribution of drinks consumed by US adults by average daily alcohol consumption: a comparison of 2 nationwide surveys
MB Esser, JJ Sacks, A Sherk, KJ Karriker-Jaffe, TK Greenfield, ...
American journal of preventive medicine 59 (5), 669-677, 2020
How many alcohol-attributable deaths and hospital admissions could be prevented by alternative pricing and taxation policies? Modelling impacts on alcohol consumption, revenues …
T Stockwell, S Churchill, A Sherk, J Sorge, P Gruenewald
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada 40 (5/6), 2020
The international model of alcohol harms and policies: A new method for estimating alcohol health harms with application to alcohol-attributable mortality in Canada
A Sherk, T Stockwell, J Rehm, J Dorocicz, KD Shield, S Churchill
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 81 (3), 339-351, 2020
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Articles 1–20