Shabnam Jabari, PhD, PEng
Cited by
Cited by
Very high resolution satellite image classification using fuzzy rule-based systems
S Jabari, Y Zhang
Algorithms 6 (4), 762-781, 2013
Multispectral change detection using multivariate Kullback-Leibler distance
S Jabari, M Rezaee, F Fathollahi, Y Zhang
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote sensing 147, 163-177, 2019
Flood mapping using random forest and identifying the essential conditioning factors; a case study in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
M Esfandiari, S Jabari, H McGrath, D Coleman
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information …, 2020
RPC-based coregistration of VHR imagery for urban change detection
S Jabari, Y Zhang
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 82 (7), 521-534, 2016
Flood hazard risk mapping using a pseudo supervised random forest
M Esfandiari, G Abdi, S Jabari, H McGrath, D Coleman
Remote Sensing 12 (19), 3206, 2020
A multi-feature fusion using deep transfer learning for earthquake building damage detection
G Abdi, S Jabari
Canadian journal of remote sensing 47 (2), 337-352, 2021
Stereo-based building detection in very high resolution satellite imagery using IHS color system
S Jabari, Y Zhang, A Suliman
2014 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2301-2304, 2014
Apple iPhone 13 Pro LiDAR accuracy assessment for engineering applications
P Chase, K Clarke, A Hawkes, S Jabari, J Jakus
Transforming Construction with Reality Capture Technologies, 2022
Understanding the Quality of Pansharpening–A lab study
Y Zhang, A Roshan, S Jabari, SA Khiabani, F Fathollahi, RK Mishra
Photogrammetric engineering & remote SenSing 82 (10), 747-755, 2016
Building change detection using multi-sensor and multi-view-angle imagery
S Jabari, Y Zhang
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 34 (1), 012018, 2016
Urban flood detection using sentinel1-a images
SS Baghermanesh, S Jabari, H McGrath
2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, 527-530, 2021
Urban Flood Detection Using TerraSAR-X and SAR Simulated Reflectivity Maps
SS Baghermanesh, S Jabari, H McGrath
Remote Sensing 14 (23), 6154, 2022
Building damage detection in post-event high-resolution imagery using deep transfer learning
G Abdi, M Esfandiari, S Jabari
2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, 531-534, 2021
Improving UAV imaging quality by optical sensor fusion: an initial study
S Jabari, F Fathollahi, A Roshan, Y Zhang
International Journal of Remote Sensing 38 (17), 4931-4953, 2017
A deep transfer learning-based damage assessment on post-event very high-resolution orthophotos
G Abdi, M Esfandiari, S Jabari
Geomatica 75 (4), 237-250, 2022
Building detection in very high resolution satellite image using HIS model
S Jabari, Y Zhang
Proceedings of ASPRS 2014 Annual Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, 2014
Building change detection in off-nadir images using deep learning
M Esfandiari, G Abdi, S Jabari, VSP Lolla
2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, 1347 …, 2021
Method and system of coregistration of remote sensing images
S Jabari, Y Zhang
US Patent 10,325,370, 2019
Application of off-nadir satellite imagery in earthquake damage assessment using object-based HOG feature descriptor
S Jabari, M Krafczek
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2019
Large-Scale LoD2 Building Modeling using Deep Multimodal Feature Fusion
F Soleimani Vostikolaei, S Jabari
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 49 (1), 2236243, 2023
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Articles 1–20