Brent Sleep
Brent Sleep
Professor of Civil & Mineral Engineering, University of Toronto
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Nanoscale zero valent iron and bimetallic particles for contaminated site remediation
D O’Carroll, B Sleep, M Krol, H Boparai, C Kocur
Advances in Water Resources 51, 104-122, 2013
Modeling the transport of volatile organics in variably saturated media
BE Sleep, JF Sykes
Water resources research 25 (1), 81-92, 1989
Stable carbon isotope evidence for intrinsic bioremediation of tetrachloroethene and trichloroethene at area 6, Dover Air Force Base
B Sherwood Lollar, GF Slater, B Sleep, M Witt, GM Klecka, M Harkness, ...
Environmental science & technology 35 (2), 261-269, 2001
Compositional simulation of groundwater contamination by organic compounds: 1. Model development and verification
BE Sleep, JF Sykes
Water resources research 29 (6), 1697-1708, 1993
Variability in carbon isotopic fractionation during biodegradation of chlorinated ethenes: implications for field applications
GF Slater, B Sherwood Lollar, BE Sleep, EA Edwards
Environmental Science & Technology 35 (5), 901-907, 2001
Contrasting carbon isotope fractionation during biodegradation of trichloroethylene and toluene: implications for intrinsic bioremediation
BS Lollar, GF Slater, J Ahad, B Sleep, J Spivack, M Brennan, ...
Organic Geochemistry 30 (8), 813-820, 1999
Carbon and hydrogen isotopic fractionation during anaerobic biodegradation of benzene
SA Mancini, AC Ulrich, G Lacrampe-Couloume, B Sleep, EA Edwards, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 69 (1), 191-198, 2003
The effect of temperature on capillary pressure‐saturation relationships for air‐water and perchloroethylene‐water systems
HY She, BE Sleep
Water Resources Research 34 (10), 2587-2597, 1998
Carbon isotope effects resulting from equilibrium sorption of dissolved VOCs
GF Slater, JME Ahad, B Sherwood Lollar, R Allen-King, B Sleep
Analytical Chemistry 72 (22), 5669-5672, 2000
Carbon isotope fractionation during anaerobic biodegradation of toluene: implications for intrinsic bioremediation
JME Ahad, B Sherwood Lollar, EA Edwards, GF Slater, BE Sleep
Environmental science & technology 34 (5), 892-896, 2000
Characterization of nZVI mobility in a field scale test
CM Kocur, AI Chowdhury, N Sakulchaicharoen, HK Boparai, KP Weber, ...
Environmental science & technology 48 (5), 2862-2869, 2014
Impact of nZVI stability on mobility in porous media
CM Kocur, DM O'Carroll, BE Sleep
Journal of contaminant hydrology 145, 17-25, 2013
Biological enhancement of tetrachloroethene dissolution and associated microbial community changes
BE Sleep, DJ Seepersad, K Mo, CM Heidorn, L Hrapovic, PL Morrill, ...
Environmental science & technology 40 (11), 3623-3633, 2006
Long-term field study of microbial community and dechlorinating activity following carboxymethyl cellulose-stabilized nanoscale zero-valent iron injection
CMD Kocur, L Lomheim, O Molenda, KP Weber, LM Austrins, BE Sleep, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 50 (14), 7658-7670, 2016
A field-validated model for in situ transport of polymer-stabilized nZVI and implications for subsurface injection
MM Krol, AJ Oleniuk, CM Kocur, BE Sleep, P Bennett, Z Xiong, ...
Environmental science & technology 47 (13), 7332-7340, 2013
Quantifying chlorinated ethene degradation during reductive dechlorination at Kelly AFB using stable carbon isotopes
PL Morrill, G Lacrampe-Couloume, GF Slater, BE Sleep, EA Edwards, ...
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 76 (3-4), 279-293, 2005
Effects of biomass growth on gas pressure drop in biofilters
F Morgan-Sagastume, BE Sleep, DG Allen
Journal of Environmental Engineering 127 (5), 388-396, 2001
Contributions of abiotic and biotic dechlorination following carboxymethyl cellulose stabilized nanoscale zero valent iron injection
CMD Kocur, L Lomheim, HK Boparai, AIA Chowdhury, KP Weber, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 49 (14), 8648-8656, 2015
Compositional simulation of groundwater contamination by organic compounds: 2. Model applications
BE Sleep, JF Sykes
Water Resources Research 29 (6), 1709-1718, 1993
Knudsen diffusion, gas permeability, and water content in an unconsolidated porous medium
SA Reinecke, BE Sleep
Water Resources Research 38 (12), 16-1-16-15, 2002
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Articles 1–20