Alexander Karran
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A situation awareness perspective on human-AI interaction: Tensions and opportunities
J Jiang, AJ Karran, CK Coursaris, PM Léger, J Beringer
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 39 (9), 1789-1806, 2023
Explainable Artificial intelligence (XAI): How the Visualization of AI Predictions Affects User Cognitive Load and Confidence
A Hudon, T Demazure, A Karran, PM Léger, S Sénécal
Proceeding of the NeuroIS Conference 2021, 1-10, 2021
Toward a hybrid passive BCI for the modulation of sustained attention using EEG and fNIRS
AJ Karran, T Demazure, PM Leger, E Labonte-LeMoyne, S Senecal, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13, 393, 2019
Designing for confidence: The impact of visualizing artificial intelligence decisions
AJ Karran, T Demazure, A Hudon, S Senecal, PM Léger
Frontiers in neuroscience 16, 883385, 2022
A framework for the forensic investigation of unstructured email relationship data
J Haggerty, AJ Karran, DJ Lamb, M Taylor
International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics (IJDCF) 3 (3), 1-18, 2011
Classification accuracy from the perspective of the user: real-time interaction with physiological computing
SH Fairclough, AJ Karran, K Gilleade
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2015
A framework for psychophysiological classification within a cultural heritage context using interest
AJ Karran, SH Fairclough, K Gilleade
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) 21 (6), 1-19, 2015
Enhancing sustained attention: A pilot study on the integration of a brain-computer interface with an enterprise information system
T Demazure, A Karran, PM Léger, E Labonte-LeMoyne, S Sénécal, ...
Business & Information Systems Engineering 63 (6), 653-668, 2021
Is there collaboration specific neurophysiological activation during collaborative task activity? An analysis of brain responses using electroencephalography and hyperscanning
PM Léné, P., Karran, A. J., Labonté-Lemoyne, E., Sénécal, S., Fredette, M ...
Brain and Behaviour, 1-16, 2021
Distributed remote EEG data collection for NeuroIS research: a methodological framework
T Demazure, AJ Karran, J Boasen, PM Léger, S Sénécal
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 3-22, 2021
High performance cognition: information-processing in complex skills, expert performance, and flow
BU Cowley, F Dehais, S Fairclough, AJ Karran, J Palomäki, O Lappi
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 579950, 2020
Wavelet Transform Coherence: An Innovative Method to Investigate Social Interaction in NeuroIS
P Léné, AJ Karran, E Labonté-Lemoyne, S Sénécal, M Fredette, ...
Information Systems and Neuroscience. Lecture Notes in Information Systems …, 2019
Sustained attention in a monitoring task: Towards a neuroadaptative enterprise system interface
T Demazure, A Karran, É Labonté-LeMoyne, PM Léger, S Sénécal, ...
Information Systems and Neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat 2018, 125-132, 2019
The drive to explore: physiological computing in a cultural heritage context
AJ Karran, U Kreplin
Advances in Physiological Computing, 169-195, 2014
Towards an adaptive cultural heritage experience using physiological computing
AJ Karran, SH Fairclough, K Gilleade
CHI'13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1683-1688, 2013
The Influence of Task Types on User Experience after a Web Interface Update
T Dargen, A Karran, PM leger, CK Coursaris, S Sénécal
The Eighteenth Annual Pre-ICIS HCI/MIS Research Workshop, 2019
A Situation Awareness Perspective on Human-Agent Collaboration: Tensions and Opportunities
J Jiang, A Karran, CK Coursaris, L Majorique-Pierre, J Beringer
A Social Network Discovery Model for Digital Forensics Investigations.
AJ Karran, J Haggerty, DJ Lamb, MJ Taylor, D Llewellyn-Jones
WDFIA, 160-170, 2011
Multi-stakeholder Perspective on Responsible Artificial Intelligence and Acceptability in Education
AJ Karran, P Charland, JT Martineau, AO de Guinea, AM Lesage, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.15027, 2024
Caption and Observation Based on the Algorithm for Triangulation (COBALT): Preliminary Results from a Beta Trial
PM Léger, AJ Karran, F Courtemanche, M Fredette, S Tazi, M Dupuis, ...
Fred D. Davis, René Riedl, Jan vom Brocke, Pierre-Majorique Léger, Adriane B …, 2022
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