René Enguehard
Cited by
Cited by
Interactive exploration of movement data: A case study of geovisual analytics for fishing vessel analysis
RA Enguehard, O Hoeber, R Devillers
Information Visualization 12 (1), 65-84, 2013
Exploring geo-temporal differences using GTdiff
O Hoeber, G Wilson, S Harding, R Enguehard, R Devillers
2011 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium, 139-146, 2011
Comparing interactive and automated mapping systems for supporting fisheries enforcement activities—a case study on vessel monitoring systems (VMS)
RA Enguehard, R Devillers, O Hoeber
Journal of coastal conservation 17, 105-119, 2013
Geovisualization of fishing vessel movement patterns using hybrid fractal/velocity signatures
RA Enguehard, R Devillers, O Hoeber
GeoViz Hamburg, 2011
Visually representing geo-temporal differences
O Hoeber, G Wilson, S Harding, R Enguehard, R Devillers
2010 IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology, 229-230, 2010
Integrating human knowledge within a hybrid clusteringclassification scheme for detecting patterns within large movement data sets
RA Enguehard, B Fowler, O Hoeber, R Devillers, W Banzhaf
Proceedings of AGILE 2012, 2012
Extracting patterns from large movement data sets using Hybrid Spatio-temporal Filtering: a case study of geovisual analytics in support of fisheries enforcement activities.
RA Enguehard
Library and Archives Canada= Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, Ottawa, 2013
A Geographically-aware Context-based Music Recommendation System
RA Enguehard
Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2009
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Articles 1–8