Pavel Kraikivski
Cited by
Cited by
Enhanced ordering of interacting filaments by molecular motors
P Kraikivski, R Lipowsky, J Kierfeld
Physical review letters 96 (25), 258103, 2006
Diffusion in cytoplasm: effects of excluded volume due to internal membranes and cytoskeletal structures
IL Novak, P Kraikivski, BM Slepchenko
Biophysical journal 97 (3), 758-767, 2009
CLIP-170-dependent capture of membrane organelles by microtubules initiates minus-end directed transport
AJ Lomakin, I Semenova, I Zaliapin, P Kraikivski, E Nadezhdina, ...
Developmental cell 17 (3), 323-333, 2009
From START to FINISH: computational analysis of cell cycle control in budding yeast
P Kraikivski, KC Chen, T Laomettachit, TM Murali, JJ Tyson
NPJ systems biology and applications 1 (1), 1-9, 2015
Regulation of microtubule-based transport by MAP4
I Semenova, K Ikeda, K Resaul, P Kraikivski, M Aguiar, S Gygi, I Zaliapin, ...
Molecular biology of the cell 25 (20), 3119-3132, 2014
Modeling the dynamic behavior of biochemical regulatory networks
JJ Tyson, T Laomettachit, P Kraikivski
Journal of theoretical biology 462, 514-527, 2019
Crosstalk between Plk1, p53, cell cycle, and G2/M DNA damage checkpoint regulation in cancer: computational modeling and analysis
Y Jung, P Kraikivski, S Shafiekhani, SS Terhune, RK Dash
npj Systems Biology and Applications 7 (1), 46, 2021
Engineered Tug‐of‐War Between Kinesin and Dynein Controls Direction of Microtubule Based Transport In Vivo
K Rezaul, D Gupta, I Semenova, K Ikeda, P Kraikivski, J Yu, A Cowan, ...
Traffic 17 (5), 475-486, 2016
Buckling, bundling, and pattern formation: From semi-flexible polymers to assemblies of interacting filaments
J Kierfeld, P Gutjahr, T Kühne, P Kraikivski, R Lipowsky
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 3 (6), 898-911, 2006
Barrier crossing of semiflexible polymers
P Kraikivski, R Lipowsky, J Kierfeld
Europhysics Letters 66 (5), 763, 2004
Implementing both short-and long-working-distance optical trappings into a commercial microscope
P Kraikivski, B Pouligny, R Dimova
Review of scientific instruments 77 (11), 2006
Active dynamics of filaments in motility assays
J Kierfeld, K Frentzel, P Kraikivski, R Lipowsky
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 157, 123-133, 2008
Activated dynamics of semiflexible polymers on structured substrates
P Kraikivski, R Lipowsky, J Kierfeld
The European Physical Journal E 16, 319-340, 2005
Actin bundling: initiation mechanisms and kinetics
P Kraikivski, BM Slepchenko, IL Novak
Physical review letters 101 (12), 128102, 2008
GraphSpace: stimulating interdisciplinary collaborations in network biology
A Bharadwaj, DP Singh, A Ritz, AN Tegge, CL Poirel, P Kraikivski, ...
Bioinformatics 33 (19), 3134-3136, 2017
A systems biology approach to discovering pathway signaling dysregulation in metastasis
R Clarke, P Kraikivski, BC Jones, CM Sevigny, S Sengupta, Y Wang
Cancer and Metastasis Reviews 39, 903-918, 2020
Stimulation of the CLIP-170–dependent capture of membrane organelles by microtubules through fine tuning of microtubule assembly dynamics
AJ Lomakin, P Kraikivski, I Semenova, K Ikeda, I Zaliapin, JS Tirnauer, ...
Molecular biology of the cell 22 (21), 4029-4037, 2011
Diffusion amid random overlapping obstacles: Similarities, invariants, approximations
IL Novak, F Gao, P Kraikivski, BM Slepchenko
The Journal of chemical physics 134 (15), 2011
Modeling and analysis of the macronutrient signaling network in budding yeast
AP Jalihal, P Kraikivski, TM Murali, JJ Tyson
Molecular biology of the cell 32 (21), ar20, 2021
Systems of oscillators designed for a specific conscious percept
P Kraikivski
New Mathematics and Natural Computation 16 (01), 73-88, 2020
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Articles 1–20