Claire Smrekar
Cited by
Cited by
The voices of parents: Rethinking the intersection of family and school
C Smrekar, L Cohen-Vogel
Peabody journal of education 76 (2), 75-100, 2001
School Choice in Urban America: Magnet Schools and the Pursuit of Equity. Critical Issues in Educational Leadership Series.
C Smrekar, E Goldring
Teachers College Press, PO Box 20, Williston, VT 05495-0020, 1999
The impact of school choice and community: In the interest of families and schools
C Smrekar
Suny Press, 1996
Magnet schools and the pursuit of racial balance
E Goldring, C Smrekar
Education and Urban Society 33 (1), 17-35, 2000
" It's a way of life for us": High mobility and high achievement in Department of Defense schools
CE Smrekar, DE Owens
Journal of Negro Education, 165-177, 2003
Integrated services: Challenges in linking schools, families, and communities
CE Smrekar, HB Mawhinney
Handbook of research on educational administration 2, 443-461, 1999
March toward Excellence: School Success and Minority Student Achievement in Department of Defense Schools. A Report to the National Education Goals Panel. Lessons from the States.
C Smrekar, JW Guthrie, DE Owens, PG Sims
National Education Goals Panel, 1255 22nd Street, NW, Suite 502, Washington …, 2001
Schooling closer to home: Desegregation policy and neighborhood contexts
E Goldring, L Cohen-Vogel, C Smrekar, C Taylor
American Journal of Education 112 (3), 335-362, 2006
Magnet schools: Reform and race in urban education
E Goldring, C Smrekar
The Clearing House 76 (1), 13-15, 2002
The influence of local conditions on social service partnerships, parent involvement, and community engagement in neighborhood schools
L Cohen-Vogel, E Goldring, C Smrekar
American Journal of Education 117 (1), 51-78, 2010
The missing link in school-linked social service programs
C Smrekar
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 16 (4), 422-433, 1994
The desegregation aims and demographic contexts of magnet schools: How parents choose and why siting policies matter
C Smrekar, N Honey
Peabody Journal of Education 90 (1), 128-155, 2015
Th e Social Context of Magnet Schools
C Smrekar
Handbook of research on school choice, 411-426, 2009
From curricular alignment to the culminating project: The Peabody College Ed. D. capstone
C Smrekar, K McGraner
Peabody Journal of Education 84 (1), 48-60, 2009
Beyond the tipping point: Issues of racial diversity in magnet schools following unitary status
C Smrekar
Peabody Journal of Education 84 (2), 209-226, 2009
Institutional constraints to advocacy in collaborative services
HB Mawhinney, C Smrekar
Educational Policy 10 (4), 480-501, 1996
Rethinking family-school interactions: A prologue to linking schools and social services
CE Smrekar
Education and Urban Society 25 (2), 175-186, 1993
From the courtroom to the classroom: The shifting landscape of school desegregation
RF Ferguson
Harvard Education Press, 2009
The Kentucky family resource centers: The challenges of remaking family-school interactions
C Smrekar
Coordination Among Schools, Family, and Communities, 3-25, 1996
Building Community: The Influence of School Organization on Patterns of Parent Participation.
C Smrekar
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Articles 1–20