Amarie Carnett
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Cited by
Three children with autism spectrum disorder learn to perform a three-step communication sequence using an iPadŽ-based speech-generating device
H Waddington, J Sigafoos, GE Lancioni, MF O’Reilly, L Van der Meer, ...
International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 39, 59-67, 2014
Music therapy for individuals with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review
R James, J Sigafoos, VA Green, GE Lancioni, MF O’Reilly, R Lang, ...
Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2, 39-54, 2015
Effects of a perseverative interest-based token economy on challenging and on-task behavior in a child with autism
A Carnett, T Raulston, R Lang, A Tostanoski, A Lee, J Sigafoos, ...
Journal of Behavioral Education 23, 368-377, 2014
Voices from the past: Comparing the rapid prompting method and facilitated communication
A Tostanoski, R Lang, T Raulston, A Carnett, T Davis
Developmental Neurorehabilitation 17 (4), 219-223, 2014
Comparison of therapist implemented and iPad-assisted interventions for children with autism
A Lee, R Lang, K Davenport, M Moore, M Rispoli, L Van Der Meer, ...
Developmental Neurorehabilitation 18 (2), 97-103, 2015
An iPad-based intervention for teaching picture and word matching to a student with ASD and severe communication impairment
L Van der Meer, D Achmadi, M Cooijmans, R Didden, GE Lancioni, ...
Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities 27, 67-78, 2015
Function-based behavioral interventions for sleep problems in children and adolescents with autism: Summary of 41 clinical cases
L McLay, K France, N Blampied, J van Deurs, J Hunter, J Knight, B Hastie, ...
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 51, 418-432, 2021
Using a video modeling-based intervention package to toilet train two children with autism
L McLay, A Carnett, L van der Meer, R Lang
Journal of developmental and physical disabilities 27, 431-451, 2015
An evaluation of speech production in two boys with neurodevelopmental disorders who received communication intervention with a speech-generating device
L Roche, J Sigafoos, GE Lancioni, MF O’Reilly, RW Schlosser, M Stevens, ...
International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 38, 10-16, 2014
Teaching individuals with autism spectrum disorder to ask questions: A systematic review
T Raulston, A Carnett, R Lang, A Tostanoski, A Lee, W Machalicek, ...
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 7 (7), 866-878, 2013
Teaching a child with autism to mand for answers to questions using a speech-generating device
A Carnett, ET Ingvarsson
The Analysis of Verbal Behavior 32, 233-241, 2016
Teaching a child with ASD to approach communication partners and use a speech-generating device across settings: Clinic, school, and home
H Waddington, L van der Meer, A Carnett, J Sigafoos
Canadian Journal of School Psychology 32 (3-4), 228-243, 2017
Quantitative-analysis of behavioral interventions to treat sleep problems in children with autism
A Carnett, S Hansen, L McLay, L Neely, R Lang
Developmental Neurorehabilitation 23 (5), 271-284, 2020
AI-augmented behavior analysis for children with developmental disabilities: building toward precision treatment
S Ghafghazi, A Carnett, L Neely, A Das, P Rad
IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine 7 (4), 4-12, 2021
Interventions for repetitive behavior in young children with autism: A survey of behavioral practices
TJ Raulston, SG Hansen, W Machalicek, LL McIntyre, A Carnett
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 49, 3047-3059, 2019
Defining early social communication skills: A systematic review and analysis
SG Hansen, A Carnett, CA Tullis
Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders 2, 116-128, 2018
Teaching mands for actions to children with autism spectrum disorder using systematic instruction, behavior chain interruption, and a speech-generating device
A Carnett, A Bravo, H Waddington
International Journal of Developmental Disabilities 65 (2), 98-107, 2019
A systematic review of interventions for inappropriate sexual behavior of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities
L McLay, A Carnett, G Tyler-Merrick, L van der Meer
Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2, 357-373, 2015
Using behavioural skills training via telehealth to increase teachers use of communication interventions and increase student use of speech‐generating devices in a high school …
A Carnett, S Hansen, C Tullis, W Machalicek
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 65 (2), 133-148, 2021
Teaching children with autism spectrum disorder to ask “where” questions using a speech‐generating device
A Carnett, ET Ingvarsson, A Bravo, J Sigafoos
Journal of applied behavior analysis 53 (3), 1383-1403, 2020
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Articles 1–20