Garnett Wilson
Garnett Wilson
CEO, Afinin Labs Inc. / Postdoctoral Fellow, Memorial University of Newfoundland
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Cited by
Accelerating Genetic Programming through Graphics Processing Units.
W Banzhaf, S Harding, WB Langdon, G Wilson
Genetic programming theory and practice VI, 1-19, 2009
Discovery of email communication networks from the enron corpus with a genetic algorithm using social network analysis
G Wilson, W Banzhaf
2009 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 3256-3263, 2009
Resource review: Three open source systems for evolving programs–lilgp, ECJ and grammatical evolution
GC Wilson, A Mc Intyre, MI Heywood
Genetic programming and evolvable machines 5 (1), 103-105, 2004
A comparison of cartesian genetic programming and linear genetic programming
G Wilson, W Banzhaf
Genetic Programming: 11th European Conference, EuroGP 2008, Naples, Italy …, 2008
Mechanism for dispensing shaved ice from a refrigeration appliance
RL Voglewede, JM Visin, MR Fischer, DL Harmon, GW Wilson
US Patent 7,278,275, 2007
Linear genetic programming GPGPU on Microsoft's Xbox 360
G Wilson, W Banzhaf
2008 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE World Congress on …, 2008
Prediction of interday stock prices using developmental and linear genetic programming
G Wilson, W Banzhaf
Applications of Evolutionary Computing: EvoWorkshops 2009: EvoCOMNET …, 2009
Introducing probabilistic adaptive mapping developmental genetic programming with redundant mappings
G Wilson, M Heywood
Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 8, 187-220, 2007
Exploring geo-temporal differences using GTdiff
O Hoeber, G Wilson, S Harding, R Enguehard, R Devillers
2011 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium, 139-146, 2011
Use of a genetic algorithm in brill's transformation-based part-of-speech tagger
G Wilson, M Heywood
Proceedings of the 7th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2005
Interday foreign exchange trading using linear genetic programming
G Wilson, W Banzhaf
Proceedings of the 12th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2010
Deployment of CPU and GPU-based genetic programming on heterogeneous devices
G Wilson, W Banzhaf
Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference Companion on Genetic and …, 2009
Newcomb's hidden regress
S Maitzen, G Wilson
Theory and Decision 54 (2), 151-162, 2003
Context-based repeated sequences in linear genetic programming
GC Wilson, MI Heywood
European Conference on Genetic Programming, 240-249, 2005
Fuzzy logic ranking for personalized geographic information retrieval
G Wilson, R Devillers, O Hoeber
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Intelligent Human …, 2013
Visually representing geo-temporal differences
O Hoeber, G Wilson, S Harding, R Enguehard, R Devillers
2010 IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology, 229-230, 2010
Deployment of parallel linear genetic programming using GPUs on PC and video game console platforms
G Wilson, W Banzhaf
Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 11, 147-184, 2010
Learning recursive programs with cooperative coevolution of genetic code mapping and genotype
G Wilson, M Heywood
Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2007
Benchmarking a coevolutionary streaming classifier under the individual household electric power consumption dataset
A Loginov, MI Heywood, G Wilson
2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2834-2841, 2016
Better trade exits for foreign exchange currency trading using FXGP
A Loginov, G Wilson, M Heywood
2015 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2510-2517, 2015
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Articles 1–20