Luis G Arroyo
Luis G Arroyo
Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Studies, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph
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Comparison of the fecal microbiota of healthy horses and horses with colitis by high throughput sequencing of the V3-V5 region of the 16S rRNA gene
MC Costa, LG Arroyo, E Allen-Vercoe, HR Stämpfli, PT Kim, A Sturgeon, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (7), e41484, 2012
Clostridium difficile PCR ribotypes in calves, Canada
A Rodriguez-Palacios, HR Stämpfli, T Duffield, AS Peregrine, ...
Emerging infectious diseases 12 (11), 1730, 2006
Characterization and comparison of the bacterial microbiota in different gastrointestinal tract compartments in horses
MC Costa, G Silva, RV Ramos, HR Staempfli, LG Arroyo, P Kim, ...
The Veterinary Journal 205 (1), 74-80, 2015
PCR ribotyping of Clostridium difficile isolates originating from human and animal sources
LG Arroyo, SA Kruth, BM Willey, HR Staempfli, DE Low, JS Weese
Journal of medical microbiology 54 (2), 163-166, 2005
Characterization of the fecal bacterial microbiota of healthy and diarrheic dairy calves
DE Gomez, LG Arroyo, MC Costa, L Viel, JS Weese
Journal of veterinary internal medicine 31 (3), 928-939, 2017
Changes in the equine fecal microbiota associated with the use of systemic antimicrobial drugs
MC Costa, HR Stämpfli, LG Arroyo, E Allen-Vercoe, RG Gomes, ...
BMC veterinary research 11, 1-12, 2015
Use of a Selective Enrichment Broth To Recover Clostridium difficile from Stool Swabs Stored under Different Conditions
LG Arroyo, J Rousseau, BM Willey, DE Low, H Staempfli, A McGeer, ...
Journal of clinical microbiology 43 (10), 5341-5343, 2005
Bacteriological evaluation of dog and cat diets that claim to contain probiotics
JS Weese, L Arroyo
The Canadian veterinary journal 44 (3), 212, 2003
Prevalence and risk factors for Clostridium difficile colonization in dogs and cats hospitalized in an intensive care unit
J Clooten, S Kruth, L Arroyo, JS Weese
Veterinary microbiology 129 (1-2), 209-214, 2008
Microarray Identification of Clostridium difficile Core Components and Divergent Regions Associated with Host Origin
T Janvilisri, J Scaria, AD Thompson, A Nicholson, BM Limbago, LG Arroyo, ...
Journal of Bacteriology 191 (12), 3881-3891, 2009
Epidemic Clostridium difficile strain in hospital visitation dog
SL Lefebvre, LG Arroyo, JS Weese
Emerging infectious diseases 12 (6), 1036, 2006
Comparison of microbial populations in the small intestine, large intestine and feces of healthy horses using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism
A Schoster, LG Arroyo, HR Staempfli, JS Weese
BMC research notes 6, 1-9, 2013
Experimental Clostridium difficile enterocolitis in foals
LG Arroyo, JS Weese, HR Staempfli
Journal of veterinary internal medicine 18 (5), 734-738, 2004
An outbreak of Lawsonia intracellularis infection in a standardbred herd in Ontario
MKJ McGurrin, M Vengust, LG Arroyo, JD Baird
The Canadian veterinary journal 48 (9), 927, 2007
Potential role of Clostridium difficile as a cause of duodenitis-proximal jejunitis in horses
LG Arroyo, HR Stämpfli, JS Weese
Journal of medical microbiology 55 (5), 605-608, 2006
Carbohydrate-based Clostridium difficile vaccines
MA Monteiro, Z Ma, L Bertolo, Y Jiao, L Arroyo, D Hodgins, M Mallozzi, ...
Expert review of vaccines 12 (4), 421-431, 2013
Molecular analysis of Clostridium difficile isolates recovered from horses with diarrhea
LG Arroyo, H Staempfli, JS Weese
Veterinary Microbiology 120 (1-2), 179-183, 2007
Epidemiology of Clostridium difficile on a veal farm: prevalence, molecular characterization and tetracycline resistance
MC Costa, HR Stämpfli, LG Arroyo, DL Pearl, JS Weese
Veterinary microbiology 152 (3-4), 379-384, 2011
Detection of bovine coronavirus in healthy and diarrheic dairy calves
DE Gomez, LG Arroyo, Z Poljak, L Viel, JS Weese
Journal of veterinary internal medicine 31 (6), 1884-1891, 2017
Retrospective study of the clinical features of limb cellulitis in 63 horses
CT Fjordbakk, LG Arroyo, J Hewson
Veterinary Record 162 (8), 233-236, 2008
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Articles 1–20