Brandi Lee Drisdelle
Brandi Lee Drisdelle
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Impact of video games on plasticity of the hippocampus
GL West, K Konishi, M Diarra, J Benady-Chorney, BL Drisdelle, ...
Molecular psychiatry 23 (7), 1566-1574, 2018
Habitual action video game playing is associated with caudate nucleus-dependent navigational strategies
GL West, BL Drisdelle, K Konishi, J Jackson, P Jolicoeur, VD Bohbot
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1808), 20142952, 2015
Dealing with ocular artifacts on lateralized ERPs in studies of visual‐spatial attention and memory: ICA correction versus epoch rejection
BL Drisdelle, S Aubin, P Jolicoeur
Psychophysiology 54 (1), 83-99, 2017
PD components and distractor inhibition in visual search: New evidence for the signal suppression hypothesis
BL Drisdelle, M Eimer
Psychophysiology 58 (9), e13878, 2021
Electrophysiological impact of multiple concussions in asymptomatic athletes: a re-analysis based on alpha activity during a visual-spatial attention task
S Guay, L De Beaumont, BL Drisdelle, JM Lina, P Jolicoeur
Neuropsychologia 108, 42-49, 2018
Early and late selection processes have separable influences on the neural substrates of attention
BL Drisdelle, P Jolicoeur
International Journal of Psychophysiology 127, 52-61, 2018
The deployment of visual spatial attention during visual search predicts response time: electrophysiological evidence from the N2pc
BL Drisdelle, GL West, P Jolicoeur
Neuroreport 27 (16), 1237-1242, 2016
Electrophysiological evidence for enhanced attentional deployment in spatial learners
BL Drisdelle, K Konishi, M Diarra, VD Bohbot, P Jolicoeur, GL West
Experimental Brain Research 235, 1387-1395, 2017
Proactive suppression can be applied to multiple salient distractors in visual search.
BL Drisdelle, M Eimer
Journal of experimental psychology: general 152 (9), 2504, 2023
Stimulus-and response-locked posterior contralateral negativity bisect cognitive operations in visual search
BL Drisdelle, P Jolicœur
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 31 (4), 574-591, 2019
Task-irrelevant filler items alter the dynamics of electrical brain activity during visual search
BL Drisdelle, I Corriveau, U Fortier-Gauthier, P Jolicoeur
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 76 (6), 1245-1263, 2023
Interhemispheric differences in P1 and N1 amplitude in EEG and MEG differ across older individuals with a concussion compared with age‐matched controls
M Desjardins, BL Drisdelle, C Lefebvre, JF Gagnon, L De Beaumont, ...
Psychophysiology 58 (3), e13751, 2021
Effects of task‐irrelevant or filler items on brain mechanisms of visual spatial attention
BL Drisdelle, I Corriveau, U Fortier‐Gauthier, P Jolicoeur
Psychophysiology 57 (11), e13644, 2020
Dissecting cognitive operations in difficult visual search using response-locked posterior contralateral negativity event-related potentials
BL Drisdelle, P Jolicoeur
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 32 (4), 703-721, 2020
The perception of concurrent sound objects through the use of harmonic enhancement: a study of auditory attention
E Koulaguina, BL Drisdelle, C Alain, S Grimault, D Eck, F Vachon, ...
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 77, 922-929, 2015
On target selection as reflected by posterior ERP components in feature‐guided visual search
R Dell'Acqua, M Doro, S Brigadoi, BL Drisdelle, A Simal, V Baro, ...
Psychophysiology 59 (12), e14131, 2022
Rôle de l’attention lors de la recherche visuelle: mesures électrophysiologiques
BL Drisdelle
L’influence de la distance spatiale et la similarité physique entre une cible et un distracteur saillant sur la composante N2pc
BL Drisdelle
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Articles 1–18