Jan Svejnar
Jan Svejnar
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The effects of privatization and ownership in transition economies
S Estrin, J Hanousek, E Kočenda, J Svejnar
Journal of Economic Literature 47 (3), 699-728, 2009
Transition economies: Performance and challenges
J Svejnar
Journal of Economic perspectives 16 (1), 3-28, 2002
Globalization and innovation in emerging markets
Y Gorodnichenko, J Svejnar, K Terrell
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 2 (2), 194-226, 2010
Bargaining power, fear of disagreement, and wage settlements: Theory and evidence from US industry
J Svejnar
Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1055-1078, 1986
When does FDI have positive spillovers? Evidence from 17 transition market economies
Y Gorodnichenko, J Svejnar, K Terrell
Journal of Comparative Economics 42 (4), 954-969, 2014
Returns to human capital under the communist wage grid and during the transition to a market economy
D Münich, J Svejnar, K Terrell
Review of Economics and Statistics 87 (1), 100-123, 2005
Investment, credit rationing, and the soft budget constraint: Evidence from Czech panel data
L Lizal, J Svejnar
Review of Economics and Statistics 84 (2), 353-370, 2002
Labor markets in the transitional Central and East European economies
J Svejnar
Handbook of labor economics 3, 2809-2857, 1999
Objectives and constraints of entrepreneurs: evidence from small and medium size enterprises in Russia and Bulgaria
F Pissarides, M Singer, J Svejnar
Journal of comparative economics 31 (3), 503-531, 2003
The productivity effects of worker participation: producer cooperatives in Western economies
S Estrin, DC Jones, J Svejnar
Journal of Comparative Economics 11 (1), 40-61, 1987
Participation, profit sharing, worker ownership and efficiency in Italian producer cooperatives
DC Jones, J Svejnar
Economica 52 (208), 449-465, 1985
The performance effects of employee ownership plans
MA Conte, J Svejnar
Paying for productivity: A look at the evidence, 143-172, 1990
Business environment, exports, ownership, and firm performance
S Commander, J Svejnar
The Review of Economics and Statistics 93 (1), 309-337, 2011
Unemployment and the social safety net during transitions to a market economy: evidence from the Czech and Slovak Republics
JC Ham, J Svejnar, K Terrell
American Economic Review, 1117-1142, 1998
Does wealth inequality matter for growth? The effect of billionaire wealth, income distribution, and poverty
S Bagchi, J Svejnar
Journal of Comparative Economics 43 (3), 505-530, 2015
The economics of joint ventures in less developed countries
J Svejnar, SC Smith
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 99 (1), 149-167, 1984
Participatory and self-managed firms: Evaluating economic performance
DC Jones, J Svejnar
Lexington books, 1982
Productivity effects of worker participation in management, profit-sharing, worker ownership of assets and unionization in US firms
MA Conte, J Svejnar
International Journal of Industrial Organization 6 (1), 139-151, 1988
Distance to the efficiency frontier and foreign direct investment spillovers
K Sabirianova, J Svejnar, K Terrell
Journal of the European Economic Association 3 (2-3), 576-586, 2005
Microeconomic issues in the transition to a market economy
J Svejnar
Journal of Economic Perspectives 5 (4), 123-138, 1991
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Articles 1–20