H Kevin Steensma
H Kevin Steensma
Professor of Management, University of Washington
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Cited by
Managing tacit and explicit knowledge transfer in IJVs: the role of relational embeddedness and the impact on performance
C Dhanaraj, MA Lyles, HK Steensma, L Tihanyi
Journal of international business studies 35, 428-442, 2004
The use of modular organizational forms: An industry-level analysis
MA Schilling, HK Steensma
Academy of management journal 44 (6), 1149-1168, 2001
The influence of national culture on the formation of technology alliances by entrepreneurial firms
HK Steensma, L Marino, KM Weaver, PH Dickson
Academy of management journal 43 (5), 951-973, 2000
Explaining IJV survival in a transitional economy through social exchange and knowledge‐based perspectives
HK Steensma, MA Lyles
Strategic management journal 21 (8), 831-851, 2000
Symbolic or substantive document? The influence of ethics codes on financial executives' decisions
JM Stevens, H Kevin Steensma, DA Harrison, PL Cochran
Strategic Management Journal 26 (2), 181-195, 2005
On the performance of technology-sourcing partnerships: The interaction between partner interdependence and technology attributes
HK Steensma, KG Corley
Academy of management Journal 43 (6), 1045-1067, 2000
The effects of executives' experiences and perceptions on their assessment of potential technological alliances
BB Tyler, HK Steensma
Strategic Management Journal 19 (10), 939-965, 1998
Human development and foreign direct investment in developing countries: the influence of FDI policy and corruption
SL Reiter, HK Steensma
World development 38 (12), 1678-1691, 2010
Evaluating technological collaborative opportunities: A cognitive modeling perspective
HKS BB Tyler
Strategic Management Journal, 1995
Disentangling the theories of firm boundaries: A path model and empirical test
MA Schilling, HK Steensma
Organization science 13 (4), 387-401, 2002
When does corporate venture capital add value for new ventures?
HD Park, HK Steensma
Strategic Management Journal 33 (1), 1-22, 2012
Combined effects of organizational and professional identification on the reciprocity dynamic for professional employees
DR Hekman, GA Bigley, HK Steensma, JF Hereford
Academy of management journal 52 (3), 506-526, 2009
Learning from what others have learned from you: The effects of knowledge spillovers on originating firms
H Yang, C Phelps, HK Steensma
Academy of management journal 53 (2), 371-389, 2010
The moderating effect of national culture on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and strategic alliance portfolio extensiveness
L Marino, K Strandholm, HK Steensma, KM Weaver
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 26 (4), 145-160, 2002
Organizational context as a moderator of theories on firm boundaries for technology sourcing
HK Steensma, KG Corley
Academy of management journal 44 (2), 271-291, 2001
Acquiring technological competencies through inter-organizational collaboration: an organizational learning perspective
HK Steensma
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 12 (4), 267-286, 1996
Attitudes toward cooperative strategies: A cross-cultural analysis of entrepreneurs
HK Steensma, L Marino, KM Weaver
Journal of International Business Studies 31, 591-609, 2000
International market entry by US internet firms: An empirical analysis of country risk, national culture, and market size
FT Rothaermel, S Kotha, HK Steensma
Journal of Management 32 (1), 56-82, 2006
The evolving value of foreign partnerships in transitioning economies
HK Steensma, L Tihanyi, MA Lyles, C Dhanaraj
Academy of Management Journal 48 (2), 213-235, 2005
Effects of organizational and professional identification on the relationship between administrators’ social influence and professional employees’ adoption of new work behavior.
DR Hekman, HK Steensma, GA Bigley, JF Hereford
Journal of Applied Psychology 94 (5), 1325, 2009
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