Hooman Hidaji
Hooman Hidaji
Assistant Professor of Business Technology Management, University of Calgary
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Cited by
How Much to Share with Third Parties? User Privacy Concerns and Website Dilemmas.
RD Gopal, H Hidaji, RA Patterson, E Rolland, D Zhdanov
Mis Quarterly 42 (1), 2018
Two-stage flow-shop scheduling problem with non-identical second stage assembly machines
J Navaei, SMTF Ghomi, F Jolai, ME Shiraqai, H Hidaji
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 69, 2215-2226, 2013
Law, economics, and privacy: Implications of government policies on website and third-party information sharing
RD Gopal, H Hidaji, SN Kutlu, RA Patterson, N Yaraghi
Information Systems Research 34 (4), 1375-1397, 2023
Two-stage assembly flow-shop scheduling problem with bi-objective of number of tardy and makespan minimization
J Navaei, A Mozdgir, H Hidaji
ICAI 2010: proceedings of the 2010 international conference on artificial …, 2010
Design improvements for message propagation in malleable social networks
R Gopal, H Hidaji, RA Patterson, E Rolland, D Zhdanov
Production and Operations Management 25 (6), 993-1005, 2016
Real or not? Identifying untrustworthy news websites using third-party partnerships
RD Gopal, H Hidaji, SN Kutlu, RA Patterson, E Rolland, D Zhdanov
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS) 11 (3), 1-20, 2020
Dark clouds and silver linings: impact of COVID-19 on internet users’ privacy
RD Gopal, H Hidaji, RA Patterson, N Yaraghi
JAMIA open 4 (4), ooab100, 2021
Economics of data protection policies
RD Gopal, H Hidaji, SN Kutlu, RA Patterson, N Yaraghi
IT Service Disruptions and Provider Choice
ML Yeo, H Hidaji, E Rolland, RA Patterson, B Nault, B Kolfal
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 2024
Now You See It, Now You Don’t: Obfuscation of Online Third-Party Information Sharing
A Eshghi, RD Gopal, H Hidaji, RA Patterson
INFORMS Journal on Computing 35 (2), 286-303, 2023
Our private data and the market for third-party providers of functionality to websites
RD Gopal, H Hidaji, RA Patterson, E Rolland, D Zhdanov
LSE Business Review, 2017
Essays on Social Network Propagation, Online Privacy, and Security
H Hidaji
J. Navaei, SMT Fatemi Ghomi
F Jolai, ME Shiraqai, H Hidaji
Int J Adv Manuf Technol 69, 2215-2226, 2013
MISQ Archivist
RD Gopal, H Hidaji, RA Patterson, E Rolland, D Zhdanov
Take Out Your Data: Impact of the Right to Data Portability on Platform Competition
H Hidaji
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Articles 1–15