Anne Gadermann
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Cited by
Estimating ordinal reliability for Likert-type and ordinal item response data: A conceptual, empirical, and practical guide.
AM Gadermann, M Guhn, BD Zumbo
Practical assessment, research & evaluation 17 (3), n3, 2012
Ordinal versions of coefficients alpha and theta for Likert rating scales
BD Zumbo, AM Gadermann, C Zeisser
Journal of modern applied statistical methods 6, 21-29, 2007
Examining the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on family mental health in Canada: findings from a national cross-sectional study
AC Gadermann, KC Thomson, CG Richardson, M Gagné, C McAuliffe, ...
BMJ open 11 (1), e042871, 2021
Investigating validity evidence of the satisfaction with life scale adapted for children
AM Gadermann, KA Schonert-Reichl, BD Zumbo
Social Indicators Research 96, 229-247, 2010
Parent psychopathology and offspring mental disorders: results from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys
KA McLaughlin, AM Gadermann, I Hwang, NA Sampson, A Al-Hamzawi, ...
The British Journal of Psychiatry 200 (4), 290-299, 2012
Comorbidity and disease burden in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS‐R)
AM Gadermann, J Alonso, G Vilagut, AM Zaslavsky, RC Kessler
Depression and anxiety 29 (9), 797-806, 2012
A portrait of the early and differential mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada: Findings from the first wave of a nationally representative cross-sectional …
EK Jenkins, C McAuliffe, S Hirani, C Richardson, KC Thomson, ...
Preventive medicine 145, 106333, 2021
A validation study of the mindful attention awareness scale adapted for children
MS Lawlor, KA Schonert-Reichl, AM Gadermann, BD Zumbo
Mindfulness 5, 730-741, 2014
Measurement invariance of the Satisfaction with Life Scale: Reviewing three decades of research
SD Emerson, M Guhn, AM Gadermann
Quality of Life Research 26, 2251-2264, 2017
Prevalence of DSM-IV major depression among US military personnel: meta-analysis and simulation
AM Gadermann, CC Engel, JA Naifeh, MK Nock, M Petukhova, ...
Military medicine 177 (suppl_8), 47-59, 2012
Benefits of extracurricular participation in early adolescence: Associations with peer belonging and mental health
E Oberle, XR Ji, M Guhn, KA Schonert-Reichl, AM Gadermann
Journal of youth and adolescence 48 (11), 2255-2270, 2019
Development and validation of the Middle Years Development Instrument (MDI): Assessing children’s well-being and assets across multiple contexts
KA Schonert-Reichl, M Guhn, AM Gadermann, S Hymel, L Sweiss, ...
Social indicators research 114, 345-369, 2013
Screen time and extracurricular activities as risk and protective factors for mental health in adolescence: A population-level study
E Oberle, XR Ji, S Kerai, M Guhn, KA Schonert-Reichl, AM Gadermann
Preventive Medicine 141, 106291, 2020
Associations of teacher-rated social, emotional, and cognitive development in kindergarten to self-reported wellbeing, peer relations, and academic test scores in middle childhood
M Guhn, AM Gadermann, A Almas, KA Schonert-Reichl, C Hertzman
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 35, 76-84, 2016
The Canadian index of wellbeing
AC Michalos, B Smale, R Labonte, N Muharjarine, K Scott, K Moore, ...
Canadian Index of Wellbeing, Waterloo, 2011
Measuring the quality of life of people at the end of life: The McGill Quality of Life Questionnaire–Revised
SR Cohen, R Sawatzky, LB Russell, J Shahidi, DK Heyland, ...
Palliative medicine 31 (2), 120-129, 2017
Substance use and access to health care and addiction treatment among homeless and vulnerably housed persons in three Canadian cities
A Palepu, A Gadermann, AM Hubley, S Farrell, E Gogosis, T Aubry, ...
PloS one 8 (10), e75133, 2013
Investigating the substantive aspect of construct validity for the satisfaction with life scale adapted for children: A focus on cognitive processes
AM Gadermann, M Guhn, BD Zumbo
Social Indicators Research 100, 37-60, 2011
Associations between periods of COVID-19 quarantine and mental health in Canada
Z Daly, A Slemon, CG Richardson, T Salway, C McAuliffe, AM Gadermann, ...
Psychiatry research 295, 113631, 2021
Does the EDI measure school readiness in the same way across different groups of children?
M Guhn, A Gadermann, BD Zumbo
Early Education and Development 18 (3), 453-472, 2007
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Articles 1–20