W.J. Zhang
W.J. Zhang
Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan
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Cited by
The impact of information sharing and ordering co‐ordination on supply chain performance
X Zhao, J Xie, WJ Zhang
Supply Chain Management: an international journal, 2002
Flexible fixture design and automation: review, issues and future directions
ZM Bi, WJ Zhang
International Journal of Production Research 39 (13), 2867-2894, 2001
Toward a resilient manufacturing system
WJ Zhang, CA Van Luttervelt
CIRP annals 60 (1), 469-472, 2011
Neural-network-based adaptive leader-following control for multiagent systems with uncertainties
L Cheng, ZG Hou, M Tan, Y Lin, W Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 21 (8), 1351-1358, 2010
A decision framework for the analysis of green supply chain contracts: An evolutionary game approach
S Barari, G Agarwal, WJC Zhang, B Mahanty, MK Tiwari
Expert systems with applications 39 (3), 2965-2976, 2012
On the principle of design of resilient systems–application to enterprise information systems
WJ Zhang, Y Lin
Enterprise Information Systems 4 (2), 99-110, 2010
Control of scaffold degradation in tissue engineering: a review
H Zhang, L Zhou, W Zhang
Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews 20 (5), 492-502, 2014
Safety assurance mechanisms of collaborative robotic systems in manufacturing
ZM Bi, C Luo, Z Miao, B Zhang, WJ Zhang, L Wang
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 67, 102022, 2021
Micro-motion devices technology: The state of arts review
PR Ouyang, RC Tjiptoprodjo, WJ Zhang, GS Yang
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 38, 463-478, 2008
An adaptive switching learning control method for trajectory tracking of robot manipulators
PR Ouyang, WJ Zhang, MM Gupta
Mechatronics 16 (1), 51-61, 2006
Recurrent neural network for non-smooth convex optimization problems with application to the identification of genetic regulatory networks
L Cheng, ZG Hou, Y Lin, M Tan, WC Zhang, FX Wu
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 22 (5), 714-726, 2011
Experimental comparison of five friction models on the same test-bed of the micro stick-slip motion system
YF Liu, J Li, ZM Zhang, XH Hu, WJ Zhang
Mechanical Sciences 6 (1), 15-28, 2015
Management of a holistic supply chain network for proactive resilience: Theory and case study
J Wang, R Dou, RR Muddada, W Zhang
Computers & Industrial Engineering 125, 668-677, 2018
Design for control-a concurrent engineering approach for mechatronic systems design
Q Li, WJ Zhang, L Chen
IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics 6 (2), 161-169, 2001
Toward a resilient holistic supply chain network system: Concept, review and future direction
J Wang, RR Muddada, H Wang, J Ding, Y Lin, C Liu, W Zhang
IEEE Systems Journal 10 (2), 410-421, 2014
Microfluidic point-of-care (POC) devices in early diagnosis: a review of opportunities and challenges
SM Yang, S Lv, W Zhang, Y Cui
Sensors 22 (4), 1620, 2022
Piezoelectric friction–inertia actuator—a critical review and future perspective
ZM Zhang, Q An, JW Li, WJ Zhang
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 62, 669-685, 2012
Tyrosinase-doped bioink for 3D bioprinting of living skin constructs
Y Shi, TL Xing, HB Zhang, RX Yin, SM Yang, J Wei, WJ Zhang
Biomedical Materials 13 (3), 035008, 2018
Financial Statement Comparability and Debt Contracting: Evidence from the Syndicated Loan Market
X Fang, Y Li, B Xin, W Zhang
Accounting Horizons 30 (2), 277-303, 2016
Modularity technology in manufacturing: taxonomy and issues
ZM Bi, WJ Zhang
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 18, 381-390, 2001
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