Mohammad Nasir Uddin
Mohammad Nasir Uddin
Professor of Electrical Engineering, Lakehead University- Barrie campus
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Cited by
Fuzzy-logic-controller-based SEPIC converter for maximum power point tracking
A Elkhateb, N Abd Rahim, J Selvaraj, MN Uddin
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 50 (4), 2349-2358, 2014
Performances of fuzzy-logic-based indirect vector control for induction motor drive
MN Uddin, TS Radwan, MA Rahman
IEEE Transactions on Industry applications 38 (5), 1219-1225, 2002
Nonlinear control of interior permanent-magnet synchronous motor
MA Rahman, DM Vilathgamuwa, MN Uddin, KJ Tseng
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 39 (2), 408-416, 2003
New online loss-minimization-based control of an induction motor drive
MN Uddin, SW Nam
IEEE transactions on Power Electronics 23 (2), 926-933, 2008
Performance of interior permanent magnet motor drive over wide speed range
MN Uddin, TS Radwan, MA Rahman
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 17 (1), 79-84, 2002
Adaptive fuzzy sliding-mode control into chattering-free IM drive
A Saghafinia, HW Ping, MN Uddin, KS Gaeid
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 51 (1), 692-701, 2014
A comprehensive review of axial-flux permanent-magnet machines
S Kahourzade, A Mahmoudi, HW Ping, MN Uddin
Canadian journal of electrical and computer engineering 37 (1), 19-33, 2014
FLC-based DTC scheme to improve the dynamic performance of an IM drive
M Uddin, M Hafeez
IEEE transactions on industry applications 48 (2), 823-831, 2011
High-speed control of IPMSM drives using improved fuzzy logic algorithms
MN Uddin, MA Rahman
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 54 (1), 190-199, 2007
Lithium-ion battery charge equalization algorithm for electric vehicle applications
MA Hannan, MM Hoque, SE Peng, MN Uddin
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 53 (3), 2541-2549, 2017
Extreme learning machine model for state-of-charge estimation of lithium-ion battery using gravitational search algorithm
MSH Lipu, MA Hannan, A Hussain, MH Saad, A Ayob, MN Uddin
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 55 (4), 4225-4234, 2019
Development of a self-tuned neuro-fuzzy controller for induction motor drives
MN Uddin, H Wen
IEEE Transactions on industry applications 43 (4), 1108-1116, 2007
Microgrid control methods toward achieving sustainable energy management
MF Roslan, MA Hannan, PJ Ker, MN Uddin
Applied Energy 240, 583-607, 2019
Development and implementation of a hybrid intelligent controller for interior permanent-magnet synchronous motor drives
MN Uddin, MA Abido, MA Rahman
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 40 (1), 68-76, 2004
Fuzzy-logic-controller-based cost-effective four-switch three-phase inverter-fed IPM synchronous motor drive system
MN Uddin, TS Radwan, MA Rahman
IEEE Transactions on industry applications 42 (1), 21-30, 2006
Real-time testing of a fuzzy-logic-controller-based grid-connected photovoltaic inverter system
MA Hannan, ZA Ghani, A Mohamed, MN Uddin
IEEE transactions on Industry applications 51 (6), 4775-4784, 2015
Performance of Current Controllers for VSI-Fed IPMSM Drive
MN Uddin, TS Radwan, GH George, MA Rahman
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 36 (6), 1531-1538, 2000
Online efficiency optimization of a fuzzy-logic-controller-based IPMSM drive
MN Uddin, RS Rebeiro
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 47 (2), 1043-1050, 2010
Online parameter-estimation-based speed control of PM AC motor drive in flux-weakening region
MN Uddin, MMI Chy
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 44 (5), 1486-1494, 2008
Fuzzy logic based speed control of an IPM synchronous motor drive
MN Uddin, MA Rahman
Engineering Solutions for the Next Millennium. 1999 IEEE Canadian Conference …, 1999
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Articles 1–20