Mardhiah Ismail
Mardhiah Ismail
M.Eng student at Civil Engineering, University Teknologi Malaysia
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Analog VLSI implementation of neural systems
C Mead, M Ismail
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
The sustainable development of grassland-livestock systems on the Tibetan plateau: problems, strategies and prospects
ZH Shang, MJ Gibb, F Leiber, M Ismail, LM Ding, XS Guo, RJ Long
The Rangeland Journal 36 (3), 267-296, 2014
Erosion-corrosion of a carbon steel elbow in a carbon dioxide environment
JR Shadley, SA Shirazi, E Dayalan, M Ismail, EF Rybicki
Corrosion 52 (09), 1996
Gust loads on aircraft
Z Wu, Y Cao, M Ismail
The Aeronautical Journal 123 (1266), 1216-1274, 2019
Computational approach using Johnson–Cook model on dual phase steel
Y Prawoto, M Fanone, S Shahedi, MS Ismail, WBW Nik
Computational Materials Science 54, 48-55, 2012
Kenaf fiber reinforced polymer composites for strengthening RC beams
H NAK, J MY, M Ismail, I Yunus, M Azman
Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 12 (6), 167-177, 2014
The effectiveness of an emotion‐focused educational programme in reducing diabetes distress in adults with Type 2 diabetes mellitus (VEMOFIT): a cluster randomized controlled trial
BH Chew, RC Vos, RK Stellato, M Ismail, G Rutten
Diabetic Medicine 35 (6), 750-759, 2018
Geology and hydrocarbon prospects of the Surma Basin, Bangladesh
MAM Khan, M Ismail, M Ahmad
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX), 1988
Preparation and properties of lanthanide complexes of some β-diketones
M Ismail, SJ Lyle, JE Newbery
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry 31 (6), 1715-1724, 1969
Effect of pH and temperature on corrosion of steel subject to sulphate-reducing bacteria
M Ismail, NM Noor, N Yahaya, A Abdullah, RM Rasol, ASA Rashid
J. Environ. Sci. Technol 7 (4), 209-217, 2014
Tenecteplase versus standard of care for minor ischaemic stroke with proven occlusion (TEMPO-2): a randomised, open label, phase 3 superiority trial
SB Coutts, S Ankolekar, R Appireddy, JF Arenillas, Z Assis, P Bailey, ...
The Lancet 403 (10444), 2597-2605, 2024
Aerodynamic efficiency study of 2D airfoils and 3D rectangular wing in heavy rain via two-phase flow approach
M Ismail, C Yihua, A Bakar, Z Wu
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of …, 2014
Numerical simulation of airfoil aerodynamic penalties and mechanisms in heavy rain
Z Wu, Y Cao, M Ismail
International Journal of Aerospace Engineering 2013 (1), 590924, 2013
Organic matter maturity and its relation to time, temperature and depth in the Bengal Foredeep, Bangladesh
M Ismail, AHM Shamsuddin
Journal of Southeast Asian earth sciences 5 (1-4), 381-390, 1991
Comparative effect of yogurt as probiotic on the performance of broiler chicks
A Sultan, FR Durrani, SM Suhail, M Ismail, Z Durrani, N Chand
Pak. J. Biol. Sci 9 (1), 88-92, 2006
Turbidity removal from surface water and landfill leachate using cactus Opuntia
CY Yin, S Abdul-Talib, YP Lim, MSN Ismail, SNA Abdul-Razak, ...
J Inst Eng Malays 68 (1), 60-4, 2007
Cultivation of sulphate reducing bacteria in different media
M Ismail, N Yahaya, AA Bakar, NMNNM Noor
Malaysian Journal of Civil Engineering 26 (3), 2014
Prevalence of obesity in Malaysia
MN Ismail, CL Tan
Country Report at the Regional Advisory Meeting on Obesity, 1998
Secondary triage classification using an ensemble random forest technique
D Azeez, KB Gan, MAM Ali, MS Ismail
Technology and Health Care 23 (4), 419-428, 2015
Status of demersal fishery resources in Malaysia
A Abu Talib, MM Isa, MS Ismail, S Yusof
Assessment, management and future directions for coastal fisheries in Asian …, 2003
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