Nina A. Dobbin (Clark)
Nina A. Dobbin (Clark)
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Effect of early life exposure to air pollution on development of childhood asthma
NA Clark, PA Demers, CJ Karr, M Koehoorn, C Lencar, L Tamburic, ...
Environmental health perspectives 118 (2), 284-290, 2010
Trace element levels in adults from the west coast of Canada and associations with age, gender, diet, activities, and levels of other trace elements
NA Clark, K Teschke, K Rideout, R Copes
Chemosphere 70 (1), 155-164, 2007
Predictors of indoor air concentrations in smoking and non-smoking residences
ME Héroux, N Clark, K Van Ryswyk, R Mallick, NL Gilbert, I Harrison, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 7 (8 …, 2010
The benefit of kitchen exhaust fan use after cooking-An experimental assessment
NA Dobbin, L Sun, L Wallace, R Kulka, H You, T Shin, D Aubin, M St-Jean, ...
Building and Environment 135, 286-296, 2018
Particulate oxidative burden as a predictor of exhaled nitric oxide in children with asthma
CL Maikawa, S Weichenthal, AJ Wheeler, NA Dobbin, A Smargiassi, ...
Environmental Health Perspectives 124 (10), 1616-1622, 2016
Trace metal exposure is associated with increased exhaled nitric oxide in asthmatic children
KJ Godri Pollitt, CL Maikawa, AJ Wheeler, S Weichenthal, NA Dobbin, ...
Environmental Health 15, 1-11, 2016
Exploring variation and predictors of residential fine particulate matter infiltration
NA Clark, RW Allen, P Hystad, L Wallace, SD Dell, R Foty, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 7 (8 …, 2010
Uptake of cadmium from Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) in British Columbia oyster growers
R Copes, NA Clark, K Rideout, J Palaty, K Teschke
Environmental Research 107 (2), 160-169, 2008
At-a-glance-Increases in exposure calls related to selected cleaners and disinfectants at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic: data from Canadian poison centres
A Yasseen Iii, D Weiss, S Remer, N Dobbin, M MacNeill, B Bogeljic, ...
Health promotion and chronic disease prevention in Canada: research, policy …, 2021
Cardio-respiratory effects of air pollution in a panel study of outdoor physical activity and health in rural older adults
DM Stieb, R Shutt, L Kauri, S Mason, L Chen, M Szyszkowicz, NA Dobbin, ...
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 59 (4), 356-364, 2017
Comparison of remote sensing and fixed-site monitoring approaches for examining air pollution and health in a national study population
G Prud'homme, NA Dobbin, L Sun, RT Burnett, RV Martin, A Davidson, ...
Atmospheric Environment 80, 161-171, 2013
Residential indoor and outdoor coarse particles and associated endotoxin exposures
AJ Wheeler, NA Dobbin, N Lyrette, L Wallace, M Foto, R Mallick, ...
Atmospheric environment 45 (39), 7064-7071, 2011
Effect of venting range hood flow rate on size-resolved ultrafine particle concentrations from gas stove cooking
L Sun, LA Wallace, NA Dobbin, H You, R Kulka, T Shin, M St-Jean, ...
Aerosol Science and Technology 52 (12), 1370-1381, 2018
Critical time windows for air pollution exposure and birth weight in a multicity Canadian pregnancy cohort
M Johnson, HH Shin, E Roberts, L Sun, M Fisher, P Hystad, ...
Epidemiology 33 (1), 7-16, 2022
Urinary and breast milk biomarkers to assess exposure to naphthalene in pregnant women: an investigation of personal and indoor air sources
AJ Wheeler, NA Dobbin, ME Héroux, M Fisher, L Sun, CF Khoury, ...
Environmental Health 13, 1-12, 2014
Cardiorespiratory effects of air pollution in a panel study of winter outdoor physical activity in older adults
DM Stieb, R Shutt, LM Kauri, G Roth, M Szyszkowicz, NA Dobbin, LI Chen, ...
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 60 (8), 673-682, 2018
Can changing the timing of outdoor air intake reduce indoor concentrations of traffic‐related pollutants in schools?
M Macneill, N Dobbin, M St‐Jean, L Wallace, L Marro, T Shin, H You, ...
Indoor Air 26 (5), 687-701, 2016
Associations between air pollution and cardio-respiratory physiological measures in older adults exercising outdoors
D Stieb, RH Shutt, LM Kauri, S Mason-Renton, L Chen, M Szyszkowicz, ...
International Journal of Environmental Health Research 31 (8), 901-914, 2021
m Advances in Water Pollution Research
RH Clark, RE Speece
Proc. 5th Int. Water Pollut. Res. Conf., San Francisco, 11-27, 1970
Augmentation du nombre d’appels relatifs à une exposition à certains nettoyants et désinfectants au début de la pandémie de COVID-19: données des centres antipoison canadiens
A Yasseen III, D Weiss, S Remer, N Dobbin, M MacNeill, B Bogeljic, ...
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada 41 (1), 2021
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