Antonio Vasilijevic
Antonio Vasilijevic
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Coordinated navigation of surface and underwater marine robotic vehicles for ocean sampling and environmental monitoring
A Vasilijević, Đ Nađ, F Mandić, N Mišković, Z Vukić
IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics 22 (3), 1174-1184, 2017
Cloud-based mission control of USV fleet: Architecture, implementation and experiments
Z Wang, S Yang, X Xiang, A Vasilijević, N Mišković, Đ Nađ
Control Engineering Practice 106, 104657, 2021
Underwater vehicle localization with complementary filter: Performance analysis in the shallow water environment
A Vasilijevic, B Borovic, Z Vukic
Journal of intelligent & robotic systems 68, 373-386, 2012
Heterogeneous robotic system for underwater oil spill survey
A Vasilijevic, P Calado, F Lopez-Castejon, D Hayes, N Stilinovic, D Nad, ...
OCEANS 2015-Genova, 1-7, 2015
Sigma-point Unscented Kalman Filter used for AUV navigation
M Barisic, A Vasilijevic, D Nad
2012 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED), 1365-1372, 2012
Caddy—cognitive autonomous diving buddy: Two years of underwater human-robot interaction
N Mišković, M Bibuli, A Birk, M Caccia, M Egi, K Grammer, A Marroni, ...
Marine Technology Society Journal 50 (4), 54-66, 2016
Augmented reality in marine applications
A Vasiljević, B Borović, Z Vukić
Brodogradnja: An International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean …, 2011
Monitoring of seagrass by lightweight AUV: A Posidonia oceanica case study surrounding Murter island of Croatia
A Vasilijevic, N Miskovic, Z Vukic, F Mandic
22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 758-763, 2014
Overview of the fp7 project “caddy—cognitive autonomous diving buddy”
N Mišković, M Bibuli, A Birk, M Caccia, M Egi, K Grammer, A Marroni, ...
OCEANS 2015-Genova, 1-5, 2015
Marine robots mapping the present and the past: Unraveling the secrets of the deep
N Kapetanović, A Vasilijević, Đ Nađ, K Zubčić, N Mišković
Remote sensing 12 (23), 3902, 2020
Teleoperated path following and trajectory tracking of unmanned vehicles using spatial auditory guidance system
A Vasilijevic, K Jambrosic, Z Vukic
Applied acoustics 129, 72-85, 2018
CADDY project, year 3: The final validation trials
N Mišković, A Pascoal, M Bibuli, M Caccia, JA Neasham, A Birk, M Egi, ...
Oceans 2017-aberdeen, 1-5, 2017
An ASV for coastal underwater archaeology: The Pladypos survey of Caesarea Maritima, Israel
A Vasilijevic, B Buxton, J Sharvit, N Stilinovic, D Nad, N Miskovic, ...
OCEANS 2015-Genova, 1-7, 2015
A sustainable approach for the management and valorization of underwater cultural heritage: new perspectives from the TECTONIC project
M Ricca, G Alexandrakis, A Bonazza, F Bruno, B Davidde Petriaggi, ...
Sustainability 12 (12), 5000, 2020
Autonomous surface vehicles as positioning and communications satellites for the marine operational environment—Step toward Internet of underwater things
A Vasilijević, Đ Nađ, N Mišković
2018 IEEE 8th International Conference on Underwater System Technology …, 2018
Comparative assessment of human machine interfaces for ROV guidance with different levels of secondary visual workload
A Vasilijevic, N Miskovic, Z Vukic
21st Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 1292-1297, 2013
Autonomous Vehicles Mapping Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia
N Kapetanović, B Kordić, A Vasilijević, Đ Nađ, N Mišković
Remote sensing 12 (22), 3683, 2020
Fusing hydroacoustic absolute position fixes with auv on-board dead reckoning
M Barisic, N Miskovic, A Vasilijevic
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (22), 211-217, 2012
Acoustically aided HMI for ROV navigation
A Vasilijevic, E Omerdic, B Borovic, Z Vukic
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (5), 49-55, 2012
Caddy project, year 1: Overview of technological developments and cooperative behaviours
N Mišković, A Pascoal, M Bibuli, M Caccia, JA Neasham, A Birk, M Egi, ...
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (2), 125-130, 2015
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Articles 1–20