Power to the people: The role of humans in interactive machine learning S Amershi, M Cakmak, WB Knox, T Kulesza AI magazine 35 (4), 105-120, 2014 | 1201 | 2014 |
To afford or not to afford: A new formalization of affordances toward affordance-based robot control E Şahin, M Cakmak, MR Doğar, E Uğur, G Üçoluk Adaptive Behavior 15 (4), 447-472, 2007 | 461 | 2007 |
Toward seamless human-robot handovers K Strabala, MK Lee, A Dragan, J Forlizzi, SS Srinivasa, M Cakmak, ... Journal of Human-Robot Interaction 2 (1), 112-132, 2013 | 333 | 2013 |
Vision-and-dialog navigation J Thomason, M Murray, M Cakmak, L Zettlemoyer Conference on Robot Learning, 394-406, 2020 | 322 | 2020 |
Trajectories and keyframes for kinesthetic teaching: A human-robot interaction perspective B Akgun, M Cakmak, JW Yoo, AL Thomaz Proceedings of the seventh annual ACM/IEEE international conference on Human …, 2012 | 321 | 2012 |
Designing robot learners that ask good questions M Cakmak, AL Thomaz Proceedings of the seventh annual ACM/IEEE international conference on Human …, 2012 | 294 | 2012 |
Keyframe-based learning from demonstration: Method and evaluation B Akgun, M Cakmak, K Jiang, AL Thomaz International Journal of Social Robotics 4, 343-355, 2012 | 290 | 2012 |
Toys that listen: A study of parents, children, and internet-connected toys E McReynolds, S Hubbard, T Lau, A Saraf, M Cakmak, F Roesner Proceedings of the 2017 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2017 | 286 | 2017 |
Designing interactions for robot active learners M Cakmak, C Chao, AL Thomaz IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development 2 (2), 108-118, 2010 | 233 | 2010 |
Robot learning in homes: Improving generalization and reducing dataset bias A Gupta, A Murali, DP Gandhi, L Pinto Advances in neural information processing systems 31, 2018 | 231 | 2018 |
Supporting mental model accuracy in trigger-action programming J Huang, M Cakmak Proceedings of the 2015 acm international joint conference on pervasive and …, 2015 | 216 | 2015 |
Human preferences for robot-human hand-over configurations M Cakmak, SS Srinivasa, MK Lee, J Forlizzi, S Kiesler 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2011 | 216 | 2011 |
Computational human-robot interaction A Thomaz, G Hoffman, M Cakmak Foundations and Trends® in Robotics 4 (2-3), 105-223, 2016 | 196 | 2016 |
Using spatial and temporal contrast for fluent robot-human hand-overs M Cakmak, SS Srinivasa, MK Lee, S Kiesler, J Forlizzi Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Human-robot interaction …, 2011 | 173 | 2011 |
Adaptive Coordination Strategies for Human-Robot Handovers. CM Huang, M Cakmak, B Mutlu Robotics: science and systems 11, 1-10, 2015 | 172 | 2015 |
Transparent active learning for robots C Chao, M Cakmak, AL Thomaz 2010 5th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI …, 2010 | 165 | 2010 |
RoboFlow: A flow-based visual programming language for mobile manipulation tasks S Alexandrova, Z Tatlock, M Cakmak 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 5537-5544, 2015 | 164 | 2015 |
Herb 2.0: Lessons learned from developing a mobile manipulator for the home SS Srinivasa, D Berenson, M Cakmak, A Collet, MR Dogar, AD Dragan, ... Proceedings of the IEEE 100 (8), 2410-2428, 2012 | 153 | 2012 |
Characterizing the design space of rendered robot faces A Kalegina, G Schroeder, A Allchin, K Berlin, M Cakmak Proceedings of the 2018 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot …, 2018 | 142 | 2018 |
Enabling building service robots to guide blind people a participatory design approach S Azenkot, C Feng, M Cakmak 2016 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI …, 2016 | 142 | 2016 |