Axel Karl Schmitt
Axel Karl Schmitt
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Zircon saturation re-revisited
P Boehnke, EB Watson, D Trail, TM Harrison, AK Schmitt
Chemical Geology 351, 324-334, 2013
U-Pb zircon geochronology of late Neoproterozoic–Early Cambrian granitoids in Iran: Implications for paleogeography, magmatism, and exhumation history of Iranian basement
J Hassanzadeh, DF Stockli, BK Horton, GJ Axen, LD Stockli, M Grove, ...
Tectonophysics 451 (1-4), 71-96, 2008
Early (≥ 4.5 Ga) formation of terrestrial crust: Lu–Hf, δ18O, and Ti thermometry results for Hadean zircons
TM Harrison, AK Schmitt, MT McCulloch, OM Lovera
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 268 (3-4), 476-486, 2008
U–Th–Pb zircon geochronology by ID-TIMS, SIMS, and laser ablation ICP-MS: Recipes, interpretations, and opportunities
U Schaltegger, AK Schmitt, MSA Horstwood
Chemical Geology 402, 89-110, 2015
Magmatic evolution of the La Pacana caldera system, Central Andes, Chile: Compositional variation of two cogenetic, large-volume felsic ignimbrites
JM Lindsay, AK Schmitt, RB Trumbull, SL De Silva, W Siebel, ...
Journal of Petrology 42 (3), 459-486, 2001
The origin and significance of crustal minerals in ophiolitic chromitites and peridotites
PT Robinson, RB Trumbull, A Schmitt, JS Yang, JW Li, MF Zhou, ...
Gondwana Research 27 (2), 486-506, 2015
Constraints on Hadean zircon protoliths from oxygen isotopes, Ti‐thermometry, and rare earth elements
D Trail, SJ Mojzsis, TM Harrison, AK Schmitt, EB Watson, ED Young
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 8 (6), 2007
In search of the dead zone: use of otoliths for tracking fish exposure to hypoxia
KE Limburg, BD Walther, Z Lu, G Jackman, J Mohan, Y Walther, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 141, 167-178, 2015
Boron and oxygen isotope composition of certified reference materials NIST SRM 610/612 and reference materials JB‐2 and JR‐2
S Kasemann, A Meixner, A Rocholl, T Vennemann, M Rosner, AK Schmitt, ...
Geostandards Newsletter 25 (2‐3), 405-416, 2001
Uranium series accessory crystal dating of magmatic processes
AK Schmitt
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 39 (1), 321-349, 2011
The Geysers-Cobb Mountain Magma System, California (Part 1): U-Pb zircon ages of volcanic rocks, conditions of zircon crystallization and magma residence times
AK Schmitt, M Grove, TM Harrison, O Lovera, J Hulen, M Walters
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67 (18), 3423-3442, 2003
Zircon-scale insights into the history of a Supervolcano, Bishop Tuff, Long Valley, California, with implications for the Ti-in-zircon geothermometer
MR Reid, JA Vazquez, AK Schmitt
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 161, 293-311, 2011
Jurassic accretionary complex and ophiolite from northeast Turkey: No evidence for the Cimmerian continental ribbon
G Topuz, G Göçmengil, Y Rolland, ÖF Çelik, T Zack, AK Schmitt
Geology 41 (2), 255-258, 2013
Multiple sulfur isotopes from Paleoproterozoic Huronian interglacial sediments and the rise of atmospheric oxygen
D Papineau, SJ Mojzsis, AK Schmitt
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 255 (1-2), 188-212, 2007
Correlation of ignimbrites in the central Anatolian volcanic province using zircon and plagioclase ages and zircon compositions
E Aydar, AK Schmitt, HE Çubukçu, L Akin, O Ersoy, E Sen, RA Duncan, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 213, 83-97, 2012
Large-volume silicic volcanism in Kamchatka: Ar–Ar and U–Pb ages, isotopic, and geochemical characteristics of major pre-Holocene caldera-forming eruptions
IN Bindeman, VL Leonov, PE Izbekov, VV Ponomareva, KE Watts, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 189 (1-2), 57-80, 2010
Re-anchoring the late Pleistocene tephrochronology of New Zealand based on concordant radiocarbon ages and combined 238U/230Th disequilibrium and (U–Th)/He zircon ages
M Danišík, P Shane, AK Schmitt, A Hogg, GM Santos, S Storm, NJ Evans, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 349, 240-250, 2012
Petrogenesis and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the Brandberg Complex, Namibia: evidence for a major mantle contribution in metaluminous and peralkaline granites
AK Schmitt, R Emmermann, RB Trumbull, B Bühn, F Henjes-Kunst
Journal of Petrology 41 (8), 1207-1239, 2000
Neogene to Quaternary broken foreland formation and sedimentation dynamics in the Andes of NW Argentina (25 S)
MP Hain, MR Strecker, B Bookhagen, RN Alonso, H Pingel, AK Schmitt
Tectonics 30 (2), 2011
Identifying the volcanic eruption depicted in a neolithic painting at Çatalhöyük, Central Anatolia, Turkey
AK Schmitt, M Danišík, E Aydar, E Şen, İ Ulusoy, OM Lovera
PloS one 9 (1), e84711, 2014
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Articles 1–20