Heather Aldersey
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Cited by
Factors affecting access to primary health care services for persons with disabilities in rural areas: a “best-fit” framework synthesis
E Dassah, H Aldersey, MA McColl, C Davison
Global health research and policy 3, 1-13, 2018
Family influence in recovery from severe mental illness
HM Aldersey, R Whitley
Community Mental Health Journal 51, 467-476, 2015
Participation experiences of people with deafblindness or dual sensory loss: A scoping review of global deafblind literature
A Jaiswal, H Aldersey, W Wittich, M Mirza, M Finlayson
PloS one 13 (9), e0203772, 2018
Family perceptions of intellectual disability: Understanding and support in Dar es Salaam
HM Aldersey
African journal of disability 1 (1), 1-12, 2012
Photovoice and persons with physical disabilities: A scoping review of the literature
E Dassah, HM Aldersey, KE Norman
Qualitative Health Research 27 (9), 1412-1422, 2017
Reconceptualizing family-professional partnership for inclusive schools: A call to action
SJ Haines, GL Francis, TG Mueller, CY Chiu, MM Burke, K Kyzar, ...
Inclusion 5 (4), 234-247, 2017
Stigma, acceptance and belonging for people with IDD across cultures
J Jansen-van Vuuren, HM Aldersey
Current developmental disorders reports 7, 163-172, 2020
The United Republic of Tanzania’s national policy on disability: A policy analysis
HM Aldersey, HR Turnbull
Journal of Disability Policy Studies 22 (3), 160-169, 2011
Implementation of inclusive education for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities in African countries: A scoping review
C Okyere, HM Aldersey, R Lysaght, SK Sulaiman
Disability and rehabilitation 41 (21), 2578-2595, 2019
‘When I don't have money to buy the drugs, I just manage.’—Exploring the lived experience of persons with physical disabilities in accessing primary health care services in …
E Dassah, HM Aldersey, MA McColl, C Davison
Social Science & Medicine 214, 83-90, 2018
The experiences of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities in inclusive schools in Accra, Ghana
C Okyere, HM Aldersey, R Lysaght
African journal of disability 8 (1), 1-11, 2019
Feasibility of an online professional development program for early intervention practitioners
KB Kyzar, C Chiu, P Kemp, HM Aldersey, AP Turnbull, DP Lindeman
Infants & Young Children 27 (2), 174-191, 2014
Exploring access to government-led support for children with disabilities in Bangladesh
RP Nuri, S Ghahari, HM Aldersey, AS Huque
Plos one 15 (7), e0235439, 2020
Family Support in K inshasa, Democratic Republic of the C ongo
HM Aldersey, AP Turnbull, HR Turnbull III
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 13 (1), 23-32, 2016
Family support and family and child-related outcomes among families impacted by disability in low-and middle-income countries: A scoping review
RP Nuri, B Batorowicz, HM Aldersey
Journal of Child Health Care 24 (4), 637-654, 2020
Needs of families of children with cerebral palsy in Bangladesh: A qualitative study
RP Nuri, HM Aldersey, S Ghahari
Child: care, health and development 45 (1), 36-44, 2019
Exploring disability policy in Africa: An online search for national disability policies and UNCRPD ratification
ELA Fernandez, LJ Rutka, HM Aldersey
Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal 13 (1), 2017
The experiences of teachers of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities in inclusive schools in Accra, Ghana
C Okyere, HM Aldersey, R Lysaght
Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs 19 (4), 283-294, 2019
Family quality of life in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
HM Aldersey, GL Francis, SJ Haines, CY Chiu
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 14 (1), 78-86, 2017
Family quality of life for families of children with disabilities in African contexts: A scoping review
J Jansen-van Vuuren, RP Nuri, A Nega, B Batorowicz, R Lysaght, ...
Quality of Life Research, 1-19, 2022
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