Apichon Witayangkurn
Apichon Witayangkurn
Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University
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Understanding tourist behavior using large-scale mobile sensing approach: A case study of mobile phone users in Japan
S Phithakkitnukoon, T Horanont, A Witayangkurn, R Siri, Y Sekimoto, ...
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 18, 18-39, 2015
Impacts of disaster and land-use change on food security and adaptation: Evidence from the delta community in Bangladesh
A Parven, I Pal, A Witayangkurn, M Pramanik, M Nagai, H Miyazaki, ...
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 78, 103119, 2022
Oil palm tree detection and health classification on high-resolution imagery using deep learning
K Yarak, A Witayangkurn, K Kritiyutanont, C Arunplod, R Shibasaki
Agriculture 11 (2), 183, 2021
Fieldservers and sensor service grid as real-time monitoring infrastructure for ubiquitous sensor networks
K Honda, A Shrestha, A Witayangkurn, R Chinnachodteeranun, ...
Sensors 9 (4), 2363-2370, 2009
Using volunteered geographic information and nighttime light remote sensing data to identify tourism areas of interest
B Devkota, H Miyazaki, A Witayangkurn, SM Kim
Sustainability 11 (17), 4718, 2019
Large-scale auto-GPS analysis for discerning behavior change during crisis
T Horanont, A Witayangkurn, Y Sekimoto, R Shibasaki
IEEE Intelligent Systems 28 (4), 26-34, 2013
Anomalous event detection on large-scale gps data from mobile phones using hidden markov model and cloud platform
A Witayangkurn, T Horanont, Y Sekimoto, R Shibasaki
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing …, 2013
Classroom attendance systems based on bluetooth low energy indoor positioning technology for smart campus
A Puckdeevongs, NK Tripathi, A Witayangkurn, P Saengudomlert
Information 11 (6), 329, 2020
Real-time monitoring system using unmanned aerial vehicle integrated with sensor observation service
A Witayangkurn, M Nagai, K Honda, M Dailey, R Shibasaki
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2012
Trip reconstruction and transportation mode extraction on low data rate GPS data from mobile phone
A Witayangkurn, T Horanont, N Ono, Y Sekimoto, R Shibasaki
Proceedings of the international conference on computers in urban planning …, 2013
Above ground biomass assessment from combined optical and SAR remote sensing data in Surat Thani Province, Thailand
KK Kumar, M Nagai, A Witayangkurn, K Kritiyutanant, S Nakamura
Journal of Geographic Information System 8 (4), 506-516, 2016
A Grid-Based Spatial Analysis for Detecting Supply–Demand Gaps of Public Transports: A Case Study of the Bangkok Metropolitan Region
A Peungnumsai, H Miyazaki, A Witayangkurn, SM Kim
Sustainability 12 (24), 10382, 2020
A Collaborative Filtering Approach to Citywide Human Mobility Completion from Sparse Call Records.
Z Fan, A Arai, X Song, A Witayangkurn, H Kanasugi, R Shibasaki
IJCAI, 2500-2506, 2016
Bangkok CCTV image through a road environment extraction system using multi-label convolutional neural network classification
C Sirirattanapol, M Nagai, A Witayangkurn, S Pravinvongvuth, ...
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 8 (3), 128, 2019
Understanding user attributes from calling behavior: exploring call detail records through field observations
A Arai, A Witayangkurn, H Kanasugi, T Horanont, X Shao, R Shibasaki
Proceedings of the 12th international conference on advances in mobile …, 2014
UAV‐Based Sensor Web Monitoring System
M Nagai, A Witayangkurn, K Honda, R Shibasaki
International Journal of Navigation and Observation 2012 (1), 858792, 2012
Agriculture information service built on geospatial data infrastructure and crop modeling
K Honda, AVM Ines, A Yui, A Witayangkurn, R Chinnachodteeranun, ...
Proceedings of the 2014 international workshop on web intelligence and smart …, 2014
Mapping of Shorea robusta Forest Using Time Series MODIS Data
BR Ghimire, M Nagai, NK Tripathi, A Witayangkurn, B Mishara, N Sasaki
Forests 8 (10), 384, 2017
Performance comparisons of spatial data processing techniques for a large scale mobile phone dataset
A Witayangkurn, T Horanont, R Shibasaki
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computing for Geospatial …, 2012
Automatic building detection with polygonizing and attribute extraction from high-resolution images
S Daranagama, A Witayangkurn
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 10 (9), 606, 2021
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