Usha Mittoo
Cited by
Cited by
Cross-country determinants of capital structure choice: a survey of European firms
F Bancel, UR Mittoo
Financial management, 103-132, 2004
Managerial perceptions of the net benefits of foreign listing: Canadian evidence
UR Mittoo
Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting 4 (1), 40-62, 1992
Why do European firms go public?
F Bancel, UR Mittoo
European financial management 15 (4), 844-884, 2009
Additional evidence on integration in the Canadian stock market
UR Mittoo
The Journal of Finance 47 (5), 2035-2054, 1992
European Managerial Perceptions of the Net Benefits of Foreign Stock Listing
U Bancel, Franck and Mittoo
European Financial Management 7 (Number 2), 213-236, 2001
The gap between theory and practice of firm valuation: Survey of European Experts
U Bancel Franck, Mittoo
Journal of Applied corporate Finance 26, 106-17, 2014
Board independence, ownership concentration and corporate performance—Chinese evidence
K Li, L Lu, UR Mittoo, Z Zhang
International Review of Financial Analysis 41, 162-175, 2015
Financial flexibility and the impact of the global financial crisis: Evidence from France
F Bancel, UR Mittoo
International Journal of Managerial Finance 7 (2), 179-216, 2011
The capital structure of multinational corporations: Canadian versus US evidence
UR Mittoo, Z Zhang
Journal of Corporate Finance 14 (5), 706-720, 2008
Globalization and the value of US listing: Revisiting Canadian evidence
UR Mittoo
Journal of Banking & Finance 27 (9), 1629-1661, 2003
Why do European firms issue convertible debt?
F Bancel, UR Mittoo
European Financial Management 10 (2), 339-373, 2004
Bond market access, credit quality, and capital structure: Canadian evidence
UR Mittoo, Z Zhang
Financial Review 45 (3), 579-602, 2010
What companies need to know about international cross‐listing
MR King, UR Mittoo
Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 19 (4), 60-74, 2007
Cross‐country listing and trading volume: evidence from the Toronto and Vancouver stock exchanges
UR Mittoo
Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting 8 (3), 147-174, 1997
Cross‐country determinants of payout policy: European firms
F Bancel, N Bhattacharyya, UR Mittoo
Dividends and dividend policy, 2011
Cross-listing and the long-term performance of ADRs: Revisiting European evidence
F Bancel, M Kalimipalli, UR Mittoo
Journal of international financial markets, institutions and money 19 (5 …, 2009
Capital market integration and industrial structure: the case of Australia, Canada and the United States
RW Faff, UR Mittoo
Journal of Economic Integration, 433-465, 2003
ADR valuation and listing of foreign firms in US Equity markets
S Li, T Li, U Mittoo, X Song, SX Zheng
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 58, 284-298, 2019
The Geography of European Convertible Bonds: Why Firms Issue Convertibles?
F Bancel, UR Mittoo, Z Zhang
Ontario: Northern Finance Association, 2009
The multijurisdictional disclosure system and value of equity offerings
UR Mittoo
Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting 17 (1), 52-83, 2006
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Articles 1–20