Tom Al
Tom Al
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Carbonate-mineral/water interactions in sulfide-rich mine tailings
TA Al, CJ Martin, DW Blowes
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 64 (23), 3933-3948, 2000
A STEM/EELS method for mapping iron valence ratios in oxide minerals
L Cavé, T Al, D Loomer, S Cogswell, L Weaver
Micron 37 (4), 301-309, 2006
Geochemical Reactions Resulting from In Situ Oxidation of PCE-DNAPL by KMnO4 in a Sandy Aquifer
MD Nelson, BL Parker, TA Al, JA Cherry, D Loomer
Environmental Science & Technology 35 (6), 1266-1275, 2001
Mercury isotope fractionation in waters and sediments of the Murray Brook mine watershed (New Brunswick, Canada): Tracing mercury contamination and transformation
D Foucher, H Hintelmann, TA Al, KT MacQuarrie
Chemical Geology 336, 87-95, 2013
Aqueous geochemistry and analysis of pyrite surfaces in sulfide-rich mine tailings
TA Al, DW Blowes, CJ Martin, LJ Cabri, JL Jambor
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61 (12), 2353-2366, 1997
A technique for estimating one-dimensional diffusion coefficients in low-permeability sedimentary rock using X-ray radiography: Comparison with through-diffusion measurements
L Cavé, T Al, Y Xiang, P Vilks
Journal of contaminant hydrology 103 (1-2), 1-12, 2009
Reductive dissolution of Mn oxides in river-recharged aquifers: a laboratory column study
BM Petrunic, KTB MacQuarrie, TA Al
Journal of Hydrology 301 (1-4), 163-181, 2005
Microbiological, chemical, and mineralogical characterization of the Kidd Creek mine tailings impoundment, Timmins area, Ontario
DW Blowes, T Al, L Lortie, WD Gould, JL Jambor
Geomicrobiology Journal 13 (1), 13-31, 1995
Three-dimensional density-dependent flow and multicomponent reactive transport modeling of chlorinated solvent oxidation by potassium permanganate
TH Henderson, KU Mayer, BL Parker, TA Al
Journal of contaminant hydrology 106 (3-4), 195-211, 2009
Spatially resolved measurement of rock core porosity
F Marica, Q Chen, A Hamilton, C Hall, T Al, BJ Balcom
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 178 (1), 136-141, 2006
Manganese valence imaging in Mn minerals at the nanoscale using STEM-EELS
DB Loomer, TA Al, L Weaver, S Cogswell
American Mineralogist 92 (1), 72-79, 2007
Paleozoic-aged brine and authigenic helium preserved in an Ordovician shale aquiclude
ID Clark, T Al, M Jensen, L Kennell, M Mazurek, R Mohapatra, KG Raven
Geology 41 (9), 951-954, 2013
Mineral/water interactions in tailings from a tungsten mine, Mount Pleasant, New Brunswick
BM Petrunic, TA Al
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69 (10), 2469-2483, 2005
Mercury mobility in unsaturated gold mine tailings, Murray Brook mine, New Brunswick, Canada
SA Shaw, TA Al, KTB MacQuarrie
Applied Geochemistry 21 (11), 1986-1998, 2006
Three dimensional imaging of porosity and tracer concentration distributions in a dolostone sample during diffusion experiments using X-ray micro-CT
HMD Agbogun, TA Al, EMA Hussein
Journal of contaminant hydrology 145, 44-53, 2013
The geochemistry of mine-waste pore water affected by the combined disposal of natrojarosite and base-metal sulphide tailings at Kidd Creek, Timmins, Ontario
TA Al, DW Blowes, JL Jambor, JD Scott
Canadian geotechnical journal 31 (4), 502-512, 1994
A geochemical study of the main tailings impoundment at the Falconbridge Limited, Kidd Creek Division metallurgical site, Timmins, Ontario
TA Al, DW Blowes, JL Jambor
Environment geochemistry of sulphide mine wastes. Mineralogical Association …, 1994
Geochemical evolution and residence time of porewater in low-permeability rocks of the Michigan Basin, Southwest Ontario
TA Al, ID Clark, L Kennell, M Jensen, KG Raven
Chemical Geology 404, 1-17, 2015
Effects of acid-sulfate weathering and cyanide-containing gold tailings on the transport and fate of mercury and other metals in Gossan Creek: Murray Brook mine, New Brunswick …
TA Al, MI Leybourne, AC Maprani, KT MacQuarrie, JA Dalziel, D Fox, ...
Applied Geochemistry 21 (11), 1969-1985, 2006
Sphalerite weathering and controls on Zn and Cd migration in mine waste rock: An integrated study from the molecular scale to the field scale
Z Bao, T Al, J Bain, HK Shrimpton, YZ Finfrock, CJ Ptacek, DW Blowes
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 318, 1-18, 2022
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