Zeinab Hassani
Zeinab Hassani
Kosar University of Bojnord
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A classification method for E-mail spam using a hybrid approach for feature selection optimization
Z Hassani, V Hajihashemi, K Borna, I Sahraei Dehmajnoonie
Journal of Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran 31 (2), 165-173, 2020
Credit risk assessment using learning algorithms for feature selection
Z Hassani, MA Meybodi, V Hajihashemi
Fuzzy Information and Engineering 12 (4), 529-544, 2020
Prediction of the survival of kidney transplantation with imbalanced data using intelligent algorithms
Z Hassani, N Emami
Computer Science Journal of Moldova 77 (2), 163-181, 2018
Intelligent application for Heart disease detection using Hybrid Optimization algorithm
M Eskandari, Z Hassani
Journal of Algorithms and Computation 51 (1), 15-27, 2019
Hybrid Algorithms of Whale optimization algorithm and k-nearest neighbor to Predict the liver disease
V Hajihashemi, Z Hassani, I Dehmajnoonie, K Borna
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Context-aware Systems and Applications 6 (16), 2019
Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization with Ant-Lion Optimization: Experimental in Benchmarks and Applications
Z Hassani, M Alambardar Meybodi
Journal of AI and Data Mining 9 (4), 583-595, 2021
A System for Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease based on Neural Networks and Machine Learning Algorithms
N Samadiani, Z Hassani
Int J Comput Appl 181, 36-41, 2018
Breast Cancer Detection using Modified Particle Swarm Optimization
Z Hassani, V Hajihashemi
Breast Cancer Detection using Modified Particle Swarm Optimization 12 (43 …, 2022
Diagnosis of Coronary Heart Disease by Using Hybrid Intelligent Systems Based on the Whale Optimization Algorithm, Simulated Annealing and Support Vector Machine
زینب حسنی, مهین خسروی مشیزی
مدیریت مهندسی و رایانش نرم 5 (2), 79-93, 2019
The Application of an Evolutionary Model using Fuzzy Logic on Health Literacy Data
E Enayati, Z Hassani, M Moodi
Health Education and Health Promotion 7 (3), 139-145, 2019
Prediction and determining the effective factors on the survival transplanted kidney for five-year in imbalanced data by the meta-heuristic approach and machine learning
N Emami, Z Hassani
SIGNAL AND DATA PROCESSING 15 (438), 85-93, 2019
The Diagnosis of Diabetes Using a Hybrid Algorithm Consisting of the Flower Pollination Algorithm and an Ensemble of a Subset of K-NN Classifiers
Z Hassani, N Samadiani
Engineering Management and Soft Computing 8 (1), 57-71, 2022
On the facility location problem: One-round weighted Voronoi game
Z Hassani, M Eskandari
Mathematical Researches 6 (1), 47-56, 2020
H-BwoaSvm: A Hybrid Model for Classification and Feature Selection of Mammography Screening Behavior Data
E Enayati, Z Hassani, M Moodi
Journal of AI and Data Mining 8 (2), 237-245, 2020
Detection of effective factors on the adult Health Literacy level with a meta-heuristic algorithm
E Enayati, Z Hassani, M Moodi
Journal of Health Literacy 4 (4), 46-55, 2020
Year of Publication: 2018
Z Hassani, A Pakzad, A Asghari
The one-round weighted Voronoi Game
Z Hassania, BS Bighamb, M Eskandaric
Computer Science 1, 1161-1165, 2012
An Artificial Predictive Modeling Framework for Automatically Detecting Problematic Use of Internet
Z Hassani, A Pakzad, A Asghari
International Journal of Computer Applications 975, 8887, 0
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