Timothy R. Johnson
Timothy R. Johnson
Horace T. Morse Distinguished Professor of Political Science and Law, University of Minnesota
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Network analysis and the law: Measuring the legal importance of precedents at the US Supreme Court
JH Fowler, TR Johnson, JF Spriggs II, S Jeon, PJ Wahlbeck
Political Analysis 15 (3), 324-346, 2007
The influence of oral arguments on the US Supreme Court
TR Johnson, PJ Wahlbeck, JF Spriggs
American Political Science Review 100 (1), 99-113, 2006
The public's conditional response to Supreme Court decisions
TR Johnson, AD Martin
American Political Science Review 92 (2), 299-309, 1998
Oral arguments and decision making on the United States Supreme Court
TR Johnson
SUNY Press, 2004
Presidential capital and the Supreme Court confirmation process
TR Johnson, JM Roberts
The Journal of Politics 66 (3), 663-683, 2004
“Citations in the US Supreme Court: An Empirical Study of their Use and Significance.”
FB Cross, JF Spriggs II, TJ Paul, J. Wahlbeck
University of Illinois Law Review, 2010
Passing and strategic voting on the US Supreme Court
TR Johnson, JF Spriggs, PJ Wahlbeck
Law & Society Review 39 (2), 349-377, 2005
Wahlbeck, and James F. Spriggs, II. 2006.“The Influence of Oral Arguments on the US Supreme Court.”
TR Johnson, J Paul
American Political Science Review 100 (1), 99-113, 0
The claim of issue creation on the US Supreme Court
L Epstein, JA Segal, T Johnson
American Political Science Review 90 (4), 845-852, 1996
Emotions, oral arguments, and Supreme Court decision making
RC Black, SA Treul, TR Johnson, J Goldman
The Journal of Politics 73 (2), 572-581, 2011
Wahlbeck. 2007.“Network analysis and the law: Measuring the legal importance of precedents at the US Supreme Court.”
JH Fowler, TR Johnson, JF Spriggs, S Jeon, J Paul
Political Analysis 15 (3), 324-346, 0
Information, oral arguments, and Supreme Court decision making
TR Johnson
American Politics Research 29 (4), 331-351, 2001
Inquiring minds want to know: Do justices tip their hands with questions at oral argument in the US supreme court
TR Johnson, RC Black, J Goldman, SA Treul
Wash. UJL & Pol'y 29, 241, 2009
Oral Advocacy Before the United States Supreme Court: Does it Affect the Justices' Decisions
TR Johnson, JF Spriggs
Wash. UL Rev. 85, 457, 2007
The Supreme Court, the solicitor general, and the separation of powers
TR Johnson
American Politics Research 31 (4), 426-451, 2003
Oral arguments and coalition formation on the US Supreme Court: A deliberate dialogue
RC Black, TR Johnson, J Wedeking
University of Michigan Press, 2012
Pivotal politics, presidential capital, and Supreme Court nominations
TR Johnson, JM Roberts
Congress & the Presidency: A Journal of Capital Studies 32 (1), 31-48, 2005
Voting fluidity and oral argument on the US Supreme Court
EM Ringsmuth, AC Bryan, TR Johnson
Political research quarterly 66 (2), 429-440, 2013
Delaying justice: The Supreme Court’s decision to hear rearguments
V Hoekstra, T Johnson
Political Research Quarterly 56 (3), 351-360, 2003
Network analysis and the law: Measuring the legal importance of Supreme Court precedents
JH Fowler, TR Johnson, JF Spriggs II, S Jeon, PJ Wahlbeck
Political Analysis 15 (3), 324-346, 2007
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Articles 1–20