Rita Winkler
Rita Winkler
BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations
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Cited by
Changing forest water yields in response to climate warming: Results from long‐term experimental watershed sites across North America
IF Creed, AT Spargo, JA Jones, JM Buttle, MB Adams, FD Beall, EG Booth, ...
Global change biology 20 (10), 3191-3208, 2014
Measured differences in snow accumulation and melt among clearcut, juvenile, and mature forests in southern British Columbia
RD Winkler, DL Spittlehouse, DL Golding
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 19 (1), 51-62, 2005
Diagnosing a distributed hydrologic model for two high‐elevation forested catchments based on detailed stand‐and basin‐scale data
M Thyer, J Beckers, D Spittlehouse, Y Alila, R Winkler
Water Resources Research 40 (1), 2004
Forest, edge, and opening microclimate at Sicamous Creek
DL Spittlehouse, RS Adams, RD Winkler
British Columbia, Forest Science Program, 2004
Assessing the effects of post‐pine beetle forest litter on snow albedo
R Winkler, S Boon, B Zimonick, K Baleshta
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 24 (6), 803-812, 2010
Variability in snow accumulation patterns within forest stands on the interior plateau of British Columbia, Canada
RD Winkler, RD Moore
Hydrological processes 20 (17), 3683-3695, 2006
Streamflow response to clear‐cut logging on British Columbia's Okanagan Plateau
R Winkler, D Spittlehouse, S Boon
Ecohydrology 10 (2), e1836, 2017
Snow accumulation and ablation response to changes in forest structure and snow surface albedo after attack by mountain pine beetle
R Winkler, S Boon, B Zimonick, D Spittlehouse
Hydrological Processes 28 (2), 197-209, 2014
Effects of forestry on summertime low flows and physical fish habitat in snowmelt‐dominant headwater catchments of the Pacific Northwest
S Gronsdahl, RD Moore, J Rosenfeld, R McCleary, R Winkler
Hydrological Processes 33 (25), 3152-3168, 2019
The effects of forest structure on snow accumulation and melt in south-central British Columbia
RD Winkler
University of British Columbia, 2001
Compendium of forest hydrology and geomorphology in British Columbia.
RG Pike, TE Redding, RD Moore, RD Winkler, KD Bladon
Hydrologic processes and watershed
RD Winkler, RD Moore, TE Redding, DL Spittlehouse, DE Carlyle-Moses, ...
Compendium of forest hydrology and geomorphology in British Columbia. BC Min …, 2010
The effects of forest disturbance on hydrologic processes and watershed
RD Winkler, RDD Moore, TE Redding, DL Spittlehouse, BD Smerdon, ...
Compendium of forest hydrology and geomorphology in British Columbia. BC Min …, 2010
Juvenile thinning can effectively mitigate the effects of drought on tree growth and water consumption in a young Pinus contorta stand in the interior of British Columbia, Canada
Y Wang, X Wei, AD del Campo, R Winkler, J Wu, Q Li, W Liu
Forest Ecology and Management 454, 117667, 2019
Mountain pine beetle and watershed hydrology
T Redding, R Winkler, P Teti, D Spittlehouse, S Boon, J Rex, S Dubé, ...
BC J. Ecosyst. Manage 9, 33-50, 2008
Changes in snow accumulation and ablation after a fire in south-central British Columbia
RD Winkler
Streamline Watershed Management Bulletin 14 (2), 1-7, 2011
Forest disturbance effects on snow and water yield in interior British Columbia
R Winkler, D Spittlehouse, S Boon, B Zimonick
Hydrology Research 46 (4), 521-532, 2015
Forest, edge and opening microclimate at Sicamous Creek: Research Report 24
DL Spittlehouse, RS Adams, RD Winkler
British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Research Branch, Victoria, BC vii, 2004
Internal catchment process simulation in a snow‐dominated basin: Performance evaluation with spatiotemporally variable runoff generation and groundwater dynamics
PK Kuraś, Y Alila, M Weiler, D Spittlehouse, R Winkler
Hydrological Processes 25 (20), 3187-3203, 2011
Compendium of forest hydrology and geomorphology in British Columbia. BC Min. For. Range
RG Pike, TE Redding, RD Moore, RD Winker, KD Bladon
For. Sci. Prog., Victoria, BC and FORREX Forum for Research and Extension in …, 2010
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Articles 1–20