M. Loewe
M. Loewe
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A measurement of σtot (γp) at S= 210 GeV
M Derrick, D Krakauer, S Magill, B Musgrave, J Repond, K Sugano, ...
Physics Letters B 293 (3-4), 465-477, 1992
Noncommutative quantum mechanics
J Gamboa, M Loewe, JC Rojas
Physical Review D 64 (6), 067901, 2001
Measurement of the proton structure functionF 2 from the 1993 HERA data
Zeus Collaboration, M Derrick, D Krakauer, S Magill, B Musgrave, ...
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 65, 379-398, 1995
Measurement of the diffractive structure function in deep inelastic scattering at HERA
ZEUS collaboration, M Derrick, D Krakauer, S Magill, D Mikunas, ...
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 68, 569-584, 1995
Determination of the gluon condensate and the four quark condensate via FESR
RA Bertlmann, CA Dominguez, M Loewe, M Perrottet, E De Rafael
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 39, 231-240, 1988
The Landau problem and noncommutative quantum mechanics
J Gamboa, F Mendez, M Loewe, JC Rojas
Modern Physics Letters A 16 (32), 2075-2078, 2001
Measurement of hot spots inside the proton at HERA and LEP/LHC
J Bartels, A De Roeck, M Loewe
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 54, 635-641, 1992
Photoactivation of and Its Implications for the Nucleosynthesis of Nature's Rarest Naturally Occurring Isotope
D Belic, C Arlandini, J Besserer, J De Boer, JJ Carroll, J Enders, ...
Physical review letters 83 (25), 5242, 1999
Exclusive ϱ0 production in deep inelastic electron-proton scattering at HERA
M Derrick, D Krakauer, S Magill, D Mikunas, B Musgrave, J Repond, ...
Physics Letters B 356 (4), 601-616, 1995
Testing spatial noncommutativity via the Aharonov-Bohm effect
H Falomir, J Gamboa, M Loewe, F Mendez, JC Rojas
Physical Review D 66 (4), 045018, 2002
Noncommutative quantum mechanics: The two-dimensional central field
J Gamboa, F Mendez, M Loewe, JC Rojas
International Journal of Modern Physics A 17 (19), 2555-2565, 2002
Inverse magnetic catalysis in the linear sigma model with quarks
A Ayala, M Loewe, R Zamora
Physical Review D 91 (1), 016002, 2015
Inverse magnetic catalysis for the chiral transition induced by thermo-magnetic effects on the coupling constant
A Ayala, M Loewe, AJ Mizher, R Zamora
Physical Review D 90 (3), 036001, 2014
Thermal pions at a finite isospin chemical potential
M Loewe, C Villavicencio
Physical Review D 67 (7), 074034, 2003
Photo-induced depopulation of the isomer via low-lying intermediate states: Structure and astrophysical implications
D Belic, C Arlandini, J Besserer, J De Boer, JJ Carroll, J Enders, ...
Physical Review C 65 (3), 035801, 2002
The nonforward QCD ladder diagrams
J Bartels, M Loewe
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 12, 263-272, 1982
Magnetized effective QCD phase diagram
A Ayala, CA Dominguez, LA Hernández, M Loewe, R Zamora
Physical Review D 92 (9), 096011, 2015
Deconfinement and chiral-symmetry restoration at finite temperature
CA Dominguez, M Loewe
Physics Letters B 233 (1-2), 201-204, 1989
Thermal effects and the effective action of quantum electrodynamics
M Loewe, JC Rojas
Physical Review D 46 (6), 2689, 1992
Thermomagnetic evolution of the QCD strong coupling
A Ayala, CA Dominguez, S Hernandez-Ortiz, LA Hernandez, M Loewe, ...
Physical Review D 98 (3), 031501, 2018
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