Shaun L. Gabbidon, Ph.D.
Shaun L. Gabbidon, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor of Criminal Justice
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Cited by
Race, crime, and justice: A reader
SL Gabbidon, HT Greene
Routledge, 2005
A Theory of African American Offending: Race, Racism, and Crime
JD Unnever, SL Gabbidon
Routledge, 2011
Race and crime
SL Gabbidon, HT Greene
Sage, 2018
Racial profiling by store clerks and security personnel in retail establishments: An exploration of “shopping while black”
SL Gabbidon
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 19 (3), 345-364, 2003
The role of race/ethnicity and race relations on public opinion related to the treatment of blacks by the police
SL Gabbidon, GE Higgins
Police quarterly 12 (1), 102-115, 2009
Criminological perspectives on race and crime
SL Gabbidon
Routledge, 2020
Race, gender, and the perception of recently experiencing unfair treatment by the police: Exploratory results from an all-black sample
SL Gabbidon, GE Higgins, H Potter
Criminal justice review 36 (1), 5-21, 2011
African American classics in criminology and criminal justice
SL Gabbidon, HT Greene, VD Young
Sage, 2002
WEB Du Bois on crime and justice: Laying the foundations of sociological criminology
SL Gabbidon
Routledge, 2016
Living while Black: A state-level analysis of the influence of select social stressors on the quality of life among Black Americans
SL Gabbidon, SA Peterson
Journal of Black Studies 37 (1), 83-102, 2006
The role of race/ethnicity and race relations on public opinion related to the immigration and crime link
GE Higgins, SL Gabbidon, F Martin
Journal of Criminal Justice 38 (1), 51-56, 2010
Career choices and characteristics of African-American undergraduates majoring in criminal justice at historically black colleges and universities
SL Gabbidon, EB Penn, WA Richards
Journal of Criminal Justice Education 14 (2), 229-244, 2003
African American Criminological Thought
HT Greene, SL Gabbidon
SUNY Press, 2000
Race, ethnicity, crime, and justice: An international dilemma
SL Gabbidon
Sage Publications, 2009
Consumer racial profiling and perceived victimization: A phone survey of Philadelphia area residents
SL Gabbidon, GE Higgins
American Journal of Criminal Justice 32, 1-11, 2007
The influence of gender, race/ethnicity, and faculty perceptions on scholarly productivity in criminology/criminal justice
H Potter, GE Higgins, SL Gabbidon
Journal of Criminal Justice Education 22 (1), 84-101, 2011
Pioneering Black Criminology: WEB Du Bois and The Philadelphia Negro
SL Gabbidon
Building a Black Criminology, Volume 24, 43-58, 2018
Public opinion on the killing of Trayvon Martin: A test of the racial gradient thesis
SL Gabbidon, KL Jordan
Journal of Crime and Justice 36 (3), 283-298, 2013
Do blacks speak with one voice? Immigrants, public opinions, and perceptions of criminal injustices
JD Unnever, SL Gabbidon
Justice Quarterly 32 (4), 680-704, 2015
The influence of race/ethnicity on the perceived prevalence and support for racial profiling at airports
SL Gabbidon, EB Penn, KL Jordan, GE Higgins
Criminal Justice Policy Review 20 (3), 344-358, 2009
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Articles 1–20