Gulnar Mehdi
Gulnar Mehdi
Corporate Technology at Siemens AG
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Cited by
Semantic access to streaming and static data at Siemens
E Kharlamov, T Mailis, G Mehdi, C Neuenstadt, Ö Özçep, M Roshchin, ...
Journal of Web Semantics 44, 54-74, 2017
Capturing industrial information models with ontologies and constraints
E Kharlamov, BC Grau, E Jiménez-Ruiz, S Lamparter, G Mehdi, ...
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2016: 15th International Semantic Web Conference, Kobe …, 2016
Electricity consumption constraints for smart-home automation: An overview of models and applications
G Mehdi, M Roshchin
Energy Procedia 83, 60-68, 2015
Semantically-enhanced rule-based diagnostics for industrial Internet of Things: The SDRL language and case study for Siemens trains and turbines
E Kharlamov, G Mehdi, O Savković, G Xiao, EG Kalaycı, M Roshchin
Journal of web semantics 56, 11-29, 2019
Semantic rule-based equipment diagnostics
G Mehdi, E Kharlamov, O Savković, G Xiao, EG Kalaycı, S Brandt, ...
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2017: 16th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2017
SemDia: semantic rule-based equipment diagnostics tool
G Mehdi, E Kharlamov, O Savković, G Xiao, EG Kalayci, S Brandt, ...
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge …, 2017
Semantic rules for machine diagnostics: Execution and management
E Kharlamov, O Savkoviý, G Xiao, R Penaloza, G Mehdi, M Roshchin, ...
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge …, 2017
Towards Semantic Reasoning in Knowledge Management Systems
G Mehdi, S Brandt, M Roshchin, T Runkler
4th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge …, 2016
Semantic Framework for Industrial Analytics and Diagnostics⇤
G Mehdi, S Brandt, M Roshchin, T Runkler
25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI-16, 2016
Diagnostics of trains with semantic diagnostics rules
E Kharlamov, O Savković, M Ringsquandl, G Xiao, G Mehdi, EG Kalayc, ...
Inductive Logic Programming: 28th International Conference, ILP 2018 …, 2018
Internet of Turbines: an outlook on smart diagnostics
G Mehdi, M Roshchin, T Runkler
Annual Conference of Prognostics and Health Management Society, 1-7, 2017
Model-based Reasoning Approach for Automated Failure Analysis: An Industrial Gas Turbine Application
G Mehdi, D Naderi, G Ceschini, M Roshchin
Semantic diagnostics of smart factories
O Savković, E Kharlamov, M Ringsquandl, G Xiao, G Mehdi, EG Kalayc, ...
Semantic Technology: 8th Joint International Conference, JIST 2018, Awaji …, 2018
Semantic rules for siemens turbines
G Mehdi, E Kharlamov, O Savkovi, G Xiao, E Kalayci, S Brandt, I Horrocks, ...
CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1963, 2016
SOMM: industry oriented ontology management tool
I Horrocks, B Cuenca Grau, E Kharlamov, E Jimenez Ruiz, Y Nenov, ...
ISWC 2016, 2016
Model-based Approach to Automated Calculation of Key Performance Indicators for Industrial Turbines
G Mehdi, D Naderi, G Ceschini, A Fishkin, S Brandt, S Watson, ... …, 2015
Towards simplification of analytical workflows with semantics at Siemens
E Kharlamov, G Mehdi, O Savkovic, G Xiao, S Lamparter, I Horrocks, ...
2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 1951-1954, 2018
A method and apparatus for performing a model-based failure analysis of a complex industrial system
GF Ceschini, G Mehdi, D Naderi, M Roshchin
US Patent App. 15/579,972, 2018
Theoretical Characterization of Signal Diagnostic Processing Language.
O Savkovic, E Kharlamov, G Xiao, G Mehdi, EG Kalayci, W Nutt, ...
Description Logics, 2018
Ontology-based integration of performance related data and models: An application to industrial turbine analytics
G Mehdi, T Runkler, M Roshchin, S Suresh, N Quang
2017 IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN …, 2017
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Articles 1–20