Richard Harvey
Richard Harvey
Professor of Computer Science, University of East Anglia
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Extraction of visual features for lipreading
I Matthews, TF Cootes, JA Bangham, S Cox, R Harvey
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on 24 (2), 198-213, 2002
Accommodating color blind computer users
L Jefferson, R Harvey
Proceedings of the 8th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers …, 2006
The challenge of multispeaker lip-reading
S Cox, R Harvey, Y Lan, J Newman, B Theobald
International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing, 179-184, 2008
Morphological scale-space preserving transforms in many dimensions
JA Bangham, RW Harvey, PD Ling, RV Aldridge
Journal of Electronic Imaging 5 (3), 283-299, 1996
Non-retrieval: blocking pornographic images
A Bosson, GC Cawley, Y Chan, R Harvey
International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval, 50-60, 2002
A risk-based approach to sanitary sewer pipe asset management
K Baah, B Dubey, R Harvey, E McBean
Science of the Total Environment 505, 1011-1017, 2015
Assessment of climate change impacts at the catchment scale with a detailed hydrological model of surface‐subsurface interactions and comparison with a land surface model
M Sulis, C Paniconi, C Rivard, R Harvey, D Chaumont
Water Resources Research 47 (1), 2011
An interface to support color blind computer users
L Jefferson, R Harvey
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 2007
The influence of air temperature on water temperature and the concentration of dissolved oxygen in Newfoundland Rivers
R Harvey, L Lye, A Khan, R Paterson
Canadian Water Resources Journal 36 (2), 171-192, 2011
Theoretical and experimental comparison of different approaches for color texture classification
F Bianconi, R Harvey, P Southam, A Fernández
Journal of Electronic Imaging 20 (4), 043006-043006-17, 2011
Evaluation of uncertainties in the CRCM-simulated North American climate
R de Elía, D Caya, H Côté, A Frigon, S Biner, M Giguère, D Paquin, ...
Climate Dynamics 30 (2), 113-132, 2008
Improving visual features for lip-reading
Y Lan, BJ Theobald, R Harvey, EJ Ong, R Bowden
Auditory-visual speech processing 2010, 2010
Improved speaker independent lip reading using speaker adaptive training and deep neural networks
I Almajai, S Cox, R Harvey, Y Lan
2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2016
Predicting the timing of water main failure using artificial neural networks
R Harvey, EA McBean, B Gharabaghi
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 140 (4), 425-434, 2014
Scale-space from nonlinear filters
JA Bangham, PD Ling, R Harvey
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 18 (5), 520-528, 1996
Comparing visual features for lipreading.
Y Lan, RW Harvey, BJ Theobald, EJ Ong, R Bowden
AVSP 2009, 102-106, 2009
Phoneme-to-viseme mappings: the good, the bad, and the ugly
HL Bear, R Harvey
Speech Communication 95, 40-67, 2017
The CCCma third generation atmospheric general circulation model
NA McFarlane, JF Scinocca, M Lazare, R Harvey, D Verseghy, J Li
CCCma internal rep 25, 16, 2005
View independent computer lip-reading
Y Lan, BJ Theobald, R Harvey
2012 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 432-437, 2012
Improving lip-reading performance for robust audiovisual speech recognition using DNNs.
K Thangthai, RW Harvey, SJ Cox, BJ Theobald
AVSP, 127-131, 2015
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Articles 1–20