Ellis A. van den Hende
Ellis A. van den Hende
Assistant professor of Marketing, Delft University of Technology
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Cited by
Business models for sustainable consumption in the circular economy: An expert study
VSC Tunn, NMP Bocken, EA van den Hende, JPL Schoormans
Journal of cleaner production 212, 324-333, 2019
What happens in Vegas stays on TripAdvisor? A theory and technique to understand narrativity in consumer reviews
T Van Laer, J Edson Escalas, S Ludwig, EA Van Den Hende
Journal of Consumer Research 46 (2), 267-285, 2019
Detecting affiliation in colaughter across 24 societies
GA Bryant, DMT Fessler, R Fusaroli, E Clint, L Aarøe, CL Apicella, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (17), 4682-4687, 2016
To Be or Not to Be in Thrall to the March of Smart Products
F Schweitzer, EA van den hende
Psychology and marketing 33 (10), 2016
Narrative transportation in concept tests for really new products: The moderating effect of reader–protagonist similarity
EA Van den Hende, DW Dahl, JPL Schoormans, D Snelders
Journal of Product Innovation Management 29, 157-170, 2012
Digitalised product-service systems: Effects on consumers’ attitudes and experiences
VSC Tunn, EA Van den Hende, NMP Bocken, JPL Schoormans
Resources, conservation and recycling 162, 105045, 2020
The perception of spontaneous and volitional laughter across 21 societies
GA Bryant, DMT Fessler, R Fusaroli, E Clint, D Amir, B Chávez, ...
Psychological science 29 (9), 1515-1525, 2018
When Should Large Firms Collaborate with Young Ventures? Understanding young firms’ strengths can help firms make the right decisions around asymmetric collaborations.
BN Hogenhuis, EA van den Hende, EJ Hultink
Research-Technology Management 59 (1), 39-47, 2016
Investigating gender‐schema congruity effects on consumers’ evaluation of anthropomorphized products
EA Van den Hende, R Mugge
Psychology & Marketing 31 (4), 264-277, 2014
Consumer adoption of access‐based product‐service systems: The influence of duration of use and type of product
VSC Tunn, EA Van den Hende, NMP Bocken, JPL Schoormans
Business Strategy and the Environment 30 (6), 2796-2813, 2021
The story is as good as the real thing: Early customer input on product applications of radically new technologies
EA van den Hende, JPL Schoormans
Journal of Product Innovation Management 29 (4), 655-666, 2012
Technologically reflective individuals as enablers of social innovation
F Schweitzer, C Rau, O Gassmann, E van den Hende
Journal of Product Innovation Management 32 (6), 847-860, 2015
Barriers to the adoption of waste-reducing eco-innovations in the packaged food sector: A study in the UK and the Netherlands
C Simms, P Trott, E van den Hende, EJ Hultink
Journal of Cleaner Production 244, 118792, 2020
How exposure to logos and logo varieties fosters brand prominence and freshness
M Sääksjärvi, E van den Hende, R Mugge, N van Peursem
Journal of Product & Brand Management 24 (7), 736-744, 2015
There's more than one perspective to take into account for successful customer integration into radical new product innovation: A framework and research agenda
F Schweitzer, EA Van den Hende, EJ Hultink
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 67 (3), 813-829, 2019
Drivers and Consequences of Narrative Transportation: Understanding the Role of Stories and Domain‐Specific Skills in Improving Radically New Products
F Schweitzer, EA Van den Hende
Journal of Product Innovation Management 34 (1), 101-118, 2017
Using Early Concept Narratives to Collect Valid Customer Input about Breakthrough Technologies: The Effect of Application Visualization on Transportation
EA Van den Hende, JPL Schoormans, KPN Morel, T Lashina, ...
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 74 (9), 1773-87, 2007
Unlocking the innovation potential in large firms through timely and meaningful interactions with young ventures
BN Hogenhuis, EA Van Den Hende, EJ Hultink
International Journal of Innovation Management 21 (01), 1750009, 2017
What Happens in Vegas Stays on TripAdvisor? Computerized Analysis of Narrativity in Online Consumer Reviews
T Van Laer, JE Escalas, S Ludwig, EA Van den Hende
Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Management Research Paper, 2017
Diffusion of access-based product-service systems: Adoption barriers and how they are addressed in practice
VSC Tunn, NMP Bocken, EA Van den Hende, JPL Schoormans
Proceedings product lifetimes and the environment 2019, 2021
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Articles 1–20