A. Lamontagne
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Cited by
A treadmill and motion coupled virtual reality system for gait training post-stroke
J Fung, CL Richards, F Malouin, BJ McFadyen, A Lamontagne
CyberPsychology & behavior 9 (2), 157-162, 2006
Coactivation during gait as an adaptive behavior after stroke
A Lamontagne, CL Richards, F Malouin
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 10 (6), 407-415, 2000
Faster is better: implications for speed-intensive gait training after stroke
A Lamontagne, J Fung
Stroke 35 (11), 2543-2548, 2004
Mechanisms of disturbed motor control in ankle weakness during gait after stroke
A Lamontagne, F Malouin, CL Richards, F Dumas
Gait & posture 15 (3), 244-255, 2002
Efficacy of virtual reality-based intervention on balance and mobility disorders post-stroke: a scoping review
A Darekar, BJ McFadyen, A Lamontagne, J Fung
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 12, 1-14, 2015
Modulation of walking speed by changing optic flow in persons with stroke
A Lamontagne, J Fung, BJ McFadyen, J Faubert
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 4, 1-8, 2007
Speed and temporal-distance adaptations during treadmill and overground walking following stroke
R Bayat, H Barbeau, A Lamontagne
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 19 (2), 115-124, 2005
Locomotor-specific measure of spasticity of plantarflexor muscles after stroke
A Lamontagne, F Malouin, CL Richards
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 82 (12), 1696-1704, 2001
Contribution of passive stiffness to ankle plantarflexor moment during gait after stroke
A Lamontagne, F Malouin, CL Richards
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 81 (3), 351-358, 2000
The coordination of upper and lower limb movements during gait in healthy and stroke individuals
JL Stephenson, A Lamontagne, SJ De Serres
Gait & posture 29 (1), 11-16, 2009
Virtual reality treatment and assessments for post-stroke unilateral spatial neglect: a systematic literature review
T Ogourtsova, W Souza Silva, PS Archambault, A Lamontagne
Neuropsychological rehabilitation 27 (3), 409-454, 2017
The effect of arm movements on the lower limb during gait after a stroke
JL Stephenson, SJ De Serres, A Lamontagne
Gait & posture 31 (1), 109-115, 2010
Evaluation of reflex-and nonreflex-induced muscle resistance to stretch in adults with spinal cord injury using hand-held and isokinetic dynamometry
A Lamontagne, F Malouin, CL Richards, F Dumas
Physical therapy 78 (9), 964-975, 1998
Physiological evaluation of gait disturbances post stroke
A Lamontagne, JL Stephenson, J Fung
Clinical Neurophysiology 118 (4), 717-729, 2007
Gaze and postural reorientation in the control of locomotor steering after stroke
A Lamontagne, J Fung
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 23 (3), 256-266, 2009
Effects of walking speed on gait stability and interlimb coordination in younger and older adults
T Krasovsky, A Lamontagne, AG Feldman, MF Levin
Gait & posture 39 (1), 378-385, 2014
Locomotor rehabilitation in a complex virtual environment
J Fung, F Malouin, BJ McFadyen, F Comeau, A Lamontagne, ...
The 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine …, 2004
Deficits in intersegmental trunk coordination during walking are related to clinical balance and gait function in chronic stroke
RR Hacmon, T Krasovsky, A Lamontagne, MF Levin
Journal of neurologic physical therapy 36 (4), 173-181, 2012
Viscoelastic behavior of plantar flexor muscle-tendon unit at rest
A Lamontagne, F Malouin, CL Richards
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 26 (5), 244-252, 1997
Stroke affects the coordination and stabilization of head, thorax and pelvis during voluntary horizontal head motions performed in walking
A Lamontagne, SJ De Serres, J Fung, N Paquet
Clinical Neurophysiology 116 (1), 101-111, 2005
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Articles 1–20