Danielle A Southern
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Comparison of the Elixhauser and Charlson/Deyo methods of comorbidity measurement in administrative data
DA Southern, H Quan, WA Ghali
Medical care 42 (4), 355-360, 2004
Progression of kidney dysfunction in the community-dwelling elderly
BR Hemmelgarn, J Zhang, BJ Manns, M Tonelli, E Larsen, WA Ghali, ...
Kidney international 69 (12), 2155-2161, 2006
Association of socio-economic status with diabetes prevalence and utilization of diabetes care services
DM Rabi, AL Edwards, DA Southern, LW Svenson, PM Sargious, ...
BMC Health Services Research 6 (1), 124, 2006
Survival after coronary revascularization among patients with kidney disease
BR Hemmelgarn, D Southern, BF Culleton, LB Mitchell, ML Knudtson, ...
Circulation 110 (14), 1890-1895, 2004
Prediction of stroke or TIA in patients without atrial fibrillation using CHADS2 and CHA2DS2-VASc scores
LB Mitchell, DA Southern, D Galbraith, WA Ghali, M Knudtson, SB Wilton
Heart 100 (19), 1524-1530, 2014
Kaplan–Meier methods yielded misleading results in competing risk scenarios
DA Southern, PD Faris, R Brant, PD Galbraith, CM Norris, ML Knudtson, ...
Journal of clinical epidemiology 59 (10), 1110-1114, 2006
Living alone, patient sex and mortality after acute myocardial infarction
HN Schmaltz, D Southern, WA Ghali, SE Jelinski, GA Parsons, KM King, ...
Journal of general internal medicine 22 (5), 572-578, 2007
Prevalence and outcome of patients with cancer and acute coronary syndrome undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: a BleeMACS substudy
M Iannaccone, F D’Ascenzo, P Vadalà, SB Wilton, P Noussan, F Colombo, ...
European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 7 (7), 631-638, 2018
Coronary dominance and prognosis of patients with acute coronary syndrome
A Goldberg, DA Southern, PD Galbraith, M Traboulsi, ML Knudtson, ...
American heart journal 154 (6), 1116-1122, 2007
An administrative data merging solution for dealing with missing data in a clinical registry: adaptation from ICD-9 to ICD-10
DA Southern, CM Norris, H Quan, FM Shrive, PD Galbraith, K Humphries, ...
BMC Medical Research Methodology 8 (1), 1, 2008
Association between completeness of percutaneous coronary revascularization and postprocedure outcomes
CS McLellan, WA Ghali, M Labinaz, RB Davis, PD Galbraith, DA Southern, ...
American heart journal 150 (4), 800-806, 2005
Development and external validation of a post-discharge bleeding risk score in patients with acute coronary syndrome: The BleeMACS score
S Raposeiras-Roubín, J Faxén, A Íñiguez-Romo, JPS Henriques, ...
International Journal of Cardiology 254, 10-15, 2018
Coronary revascularization for patients with severe left ventricular dysfunction
J Nagendran, CM Norris, MM Graham, DB Ross, RG MacArthur, ...
The Annals of thoracic surgery 96 (6), 2038-2044, 2013
Trajectories of Health-Related Quality of Life in Coronary Artery Disease
TT Sajobi, M Wang, O Awosoga, M Santana, D Southern, Z Liang, ...
Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 11 (3), e003661, 2018
Individual-level and neighborhood-level income measures: agreement and association with outcomes in a cardiac disease cohort
DA Southern, L McLaren, P Hawe, ML Knudtson, WA Ghali
Medical care 43 (11), 1116-1122, 2005
Characterizing Types of Readmission After Acute Coronary Syndrome Hospitalization: Implications for Quality Reporting
DA Southern, J Ngo, BJ Martin, PD Galbraith, ML Knudtson, WA Ghali, ...
Journal of the American Heart Association 3 (5), e001046, 2014
Lower extremity peripheral arterial disease in individuals with coronary artery disease: prognostic importance, care gaps, and impact of therapy
MJ Makowsky, FA McAlister, PD Galbraith, DA Southern, WA Ghali, ...
American heart journal 155 (2), 348-355, 2008
Association of inpatient hospital experience with patient safety indicators: a cross-sectional, Canadian study
KA Kemp, MJ Santana, DA Southern, B McCormack, H Quan
BMJ open 6 (7), e011242, 2016
Women’s Recovery from Sternotomy-Extension (WREST-E) study: examining long-term pain and discomfort following sternotomy and their predictors
KM King, M Parry, D Southern, P Faris, RT Tsuyuki
Heart 94 (4), 493-497, 2008
Validity of administrative data claim-based methods for identifying individuals with diabetes at a population level
DA Southern, B Roberts, A Edwards, S Dean, P Norton, LW Svenson, ...
Canadian Journal of Public Health/Revue Canadienne de Sante'e Publique, 61-64, 2010
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