Catalina Gomez
Catalina Gomez
DFO, Bedford Institute of Oceanography
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Cited by
A systematic review on the behavioural responses of wild marine mammals to noise: the disparity between science and policy
C Gomez, JW Lawson, AJ Wright, AD Buren, D Tollit, V Lesage
Canadian Journal of Zoology 94 (12), 801-819, 2016
Population, density estimates, and conservation of river dolphins (Inia and Sotalia) in the Amazon and Orinoco river basins
C Gomez‐Salazar, F Trujillo, M Portocarrero‐Aya, H Whitehead
Marine Mammal Science 28 (1), 124-153, 2012
River dolphins as indicators of ecosystem degradation in large tropical rivers
C Gomez-Salazar, M Coll, H Whitehead
Ecological Indicators 23, 19-26, 2012
The quilt of sustainable ocean governance: patterns for practitioners
RL Stephenson, AJ Hobday, EH Allison, D Armitage, K Brooks, A Bundy, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 630547, 2021
Ecological factors influencing group sizes of river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis and Sotalia fluviatilis)
C Gomez‐Salazar, F Trujillo, H Whitehead
Marine Mammal Science 28 (2), E124-E142, 2012
Photo-Identification: A reliable and noninvasive tool for studying pink river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis)
C Gomez-Salazar, F Trujillo, H Whitehead
Aquatic Mammals 37 (4), 472-485, 2011
Searching for trends in river dolphin abundance: Designing surveys for looming threats, and evidence for opposing trends of two species in the Colombian Amazon
R Williams, JE Moore, C Gomez-Salazar, F Trujillo, L Burt
Biological Conservation 195, 136-145, 2016
Predicted distribution of whales at risk: identifying priority areas to enhance cetacean monitoring in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean
C Gomez, J Lawson, AL Kouwenberg, H Moors-Murphy, A Buren, ...
Endangered Species Research 32, 437-458, 2017
Update on the distribution of Sotalia in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, and Suriname
C Gomez-Salazar, M Portocarrero-Aya, F Trujillo, S Caballero, J Bolanhos, ...
Latin American Journal of Aquatic mammals, 2010
Scrupulous proxies: defining and applying a rigorous framework for the selection and evaluation of a suite of ecological indicators
A Bundy, C Gomez, AM Cook
Ecological Indicators 104, 737-754, 2019
Population size estimates of pink river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis) using mark-recapture methods on photo-identification
C Gómez-Salazar, H Whitehead, F Trujillo
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals 9 (2), 132-139, 2011
Status and conservation of river dolphins Inia geoffrensis and Sotalia fluviatilis in Colombia
F Trujillo, M Portocarrero-Aya, C Gomez-Salazar, MC Diazgranados, ...
The Action Plan for South American River Dolphins 2020, 99, 2010
Density, abundance and group size of river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis and Sotalia fluviatilis) in central Amazonia, Brazil
HJ Pavanato, C Gomez-Salazar, F Trujillo, D Lima, M Paschoalini, ...
J Cetacean Res Manag, 2019
Identifying priority areas to enhance monitoring of cetaceans in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean
C Gomez, CM Konrad, A Vanderlaan, HB Moors-Murphy, E Marotte, ...
Can. Tech. Rep. Aquat. Sci. 3370, 103, 2020
Guidance framework for the selection and evaluation of ecological indicators
A Bundy, C Gomez, A Cook
Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences, 2018
Addressing uncertainty when projecting marine species' distributions under climate change
SC Davies, PL Thompson, C Gomez, J Nephin, A Knudby, AE Park, ...
Ecography 2023 (11), e06731, 2023
Range extension for the long-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus capensis) to the Colombian Caribbean
DM Palacios, N Farías-Curtidor, C Jiménez-Pinedo, L Castellanos, ...
Annual report of the International Whaling Commission. SC/64/SM20, 2012
Mamíferos acuáticos de la región Amazonía y Orinoquía
F Trujillo, MC Diazgranados, C Gomez-Salazar, M Portocarrero, ...
Diagnóstico del estado de conocimiento y conservación de los mamíferos …, 2013
Estimaciones de abundancia de delfínes de río: una herramienta para diseñar estrategias de conservación
F Trujillo, C Gómez-Salazar, M Portocarrero, E Aliaga-Rossel, V Utreras, ...
Trujillo, F., Crespo, E., van Damme, P., Usma, J.(2011). Plan de Acción para …, 2010
The action plan for river dolphins in South America
F Trujillo, A Ferrer, J Bolanos, E Crespo, PV Damme, VMF Silva, S Usma, ...
The Action Plan for River Dolphins in South America, pgs. 177-198, 2010
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Articles 1–20