Mohammad Raeispour
Mohammad Raeispour
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT University)
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Cited by
Resilient H∞ Consensus-based Control of Autonomous AC Microgrids with Uncertain Time-Delayed Communications
M Raeispour, H Atrianfar, HR Baghaee, GB Gharehpetian
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (5), 3871 - 3884, 2020
Robust Sliding Mode and Mixed / Output Feedback Primary Control of AC Microgrids
M Raeispour, H Atrianfar, HR Baghaee, GB Gharehpetian
IEEE Systems Journal, 2020
Robust Distributed Disturbance-Resilient -Based Control of Off-Grid Microgrids With Uncertain Communications
M Raeispour, H Atrianfar, HR Baghaee, GB Gharehpetian
IEEE Systems Journal 15 (2), 2895-2905, 2020
Robust hierarchical control of VSC-based off-grid AC microgrids to enhancing stability and FRT capability considering time-varying delays
M Raeispour, H Atrianfar, HR Baghaee, GB Gharehpetian
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 9 (6 …, 2020
Distributed LMI-based Control of Heterogeneous Microgrids Considering Fixed Time-Delays and Switching Topologies
M Raeispour, H Atrianfar, HR Baghaee, GB Gharehpetian
IET Renewable Power Generation 14 (12), 2068 – 2078, 2020
Fault-tolerant, distributed control for emerging, VSC-based, islanded microgrids—an approach based on simultaneous passive fault detection
M Raeispour, H Atrianfar, M Davari, GB Gharehpetian
IEEE Access 10, 10995-11010, 2021
Resilient distributed control of BESSs and voltage source converter‐based microgrids considering switching topologies and non‐uniform time‐varying delays
M Raeispour, H Atrianfar, HR Baghaee, G B. Gharehpetian
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 14 (22), 5060-5071, 2020
Finite-Rate Distributed Secondary Control Over Digital Communication Networks Using an Event-Triggered Quantized Algorithm for Islanded Modern Microgrids Utilizing Inverter …
A Afshari, M Raeispour, M Davari, W Gao, F Blaabjerg, T Chai
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2024
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