Yvonne Su
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Cited by
Local-indigenous knowledge on disaster risk reduction: Insights from the Mamanwa indigenous peoples in Basey, Samar after Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines
GP Cuaton, Y Su
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 48, 101596, 2020
Pursuing the capabilities approach within the migration–development nexus
K Preibisch, W Dodd, Y Su
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 42 (13), 2111-2127, 2016
Post-disaster social capital: trust, equity, bayanihan and Typhoon Yolanda
P Eadie, Y Su
Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal 27 (3), 334-345, 2018
Whose views matter in post-disaster recovery? A case study of “build back better” in Tacloban City after Typhoon Haiyan
Y Su, L Le Dé
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 51, 101786, 2020
A tide that does not lift all boats: the surge of remittances in post-disaster recovery in Tacloban City, Philippines
Y Su, L Lim Mangada
Critical Asian Studies 50 (1), 67-85, 2018
Globalising myths of survival: post-disaster households after Typhoon Haiyan
Y Su, M Tanyag
Gender, Place & Culture 27 (11), 1513-1535, 2020
Bayanihan after typhoon Haiyan: Are we romanticising an Indigenous coping strategy?
Y Su, L Mangada
Report, Humanitarian Practice Network, August 10, 2016
Networks of recovery: Remittances, social capital and post-disaster recovery in Tacloban City, Philippines
Y Su
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 67, 102641, 2022
The human dimensions of the climate risk and armed conflict nexus: a review article
L Augsten, K Gagné, Y Su
Regional Environmental Change 22 (2), 42, 2022
Indigenous peoples and the COVID-19 social amelioration program in eastern visayas, Philippines: perspectives from social workers
G Cuaton, Y Su
Journal of Indigenous Social Development 9 (3), 43-52, 2020
Masks are for sissies: the story of LGBTQI+ asylum seekers in Brazil during COVID-19
Y Cowper-Smith, Y Su, T Valiquette
Journal of Gender Studies 31 (6), 755-769, 2022
The failure of the American ABC HIV prevention model in Botswana
SURG Journal 4 (1), 93-100, 2010
UN ruling on climate refugees could be gamechanger for climate action
Y Su
Climate Home News 29, 21-24, 2020
Achieving human security after a disaster: the case of the Haiyan widows
LL Mangada, Y Su
Philippine Political Science Journal 40 (1-2), 153-181, 2019
Uneven recovery: a case study of factors affecting remittance-receiving in Tacloban, Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan
Y Su, L Le De
Migration and Development, 2021
Building a climate resilient economy and society: Challenges and opportunities
KN Ninan, M Inoue
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017
Ukraine: the good, bad and ideal refugees
Y Su
The Conversation 9, 2022
The real effects of Kony 2012
Y Su, R Besliu
International Affairs Review 23, 2012
“Selling the Dead”: More dignified options needed to assist widows in post-disaster recovery after Typhoon Haiyan
Y Su, L Mangada
World Development Perspectives, 2020
Happy-washing: How a ‘happiness campaign’hurts disaster survivors
Y Su, L Mangada, J Turalba
New Mandala: New Perspectives on Southeast Asia, 2018
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Articles 1–20