Thomas Hurtut
Thomas Hurtut
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Red lesion detection using dynamic shape features for diabetic retinopathy screening
L Seoud, T Hurtut, J Chelbi, F Cheriet, JMP Langlois
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 35 (4), 1116-1126, 2015
Appearance-guided synthesis of element arrangements by example
T Hurtut, PE Landes, J Thollot, Y Gousseau, R Drouillhet, JF Coeurjolly
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Non-photorealistic …, 2009
A multi-scale tensor voting approach for small retinal vessel segmentation in high resolution fundus images
A Christodoulidis, T Hurtut, HB Tahar, F Cheriet
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 52, 28-43, 2016
Adaptive image retrieval based on the spatial organization of colors
T Hurtut, Y Gousseau, F Schmitt
Computer vision and image understanding 112 (2), 101-113, 2008
Local texture-based color transfer and colorization
B Arbelot, R Vergne, T Hurtut, J Thollot
Computers & Graphics 62, 15-27, 2017
A shape‐aware model for discrete texture synthesis
PE Landes, B Galerne, T Hurtut
Computer Graphics Forum 32 (4), 67-76, 2013
Programmable 2d arrangements for element texture design
H Loi, T Hurtut, R Vergne, J Thollot
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 36 (4), 1, 2017
On demand solid texture synthesis using deep 3d networks
J Gutierrez, J Rabin, B Galerne, T Hurtut
Computer Graphics Forum 39 (1), 511-530, 2020
Map style formalization: Rendering techniques extension for cartography
S Christophe, B Duménieu, J Turbet, C Hoarau, N Mellado, J Ory, H Loi, ...
Expressive 2016 the joint symposium on computational aesthetics and sketch …, 2016
Automatic detection of microaneurysms and haemorrhages in fundus images using dynamic shape features
L Séoud, T Faucon, T Hurtut, J Chelbi, F Cheriet, JMP Langlois
2014 IEEE 11th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 101-104, 2014
Glaucoma detection based on local binary patterns in fundus photographs
MA Ali, T Hurtut, T Faucon, F Cheriet
Medical Imaging 2014: Computer-Aided Diagnosis 9035, 786-792, 2014
Automatic multiresolution age-related macular degeneration detection from fundus images
M Garnier, T Hurtut, HB Tahar, F Cheriet
Medical Imaging 2014: Computer-Aided Diagnosis 9035, 793-799, 2014
Automatic texture guided color transfer and colorization
B Arbelot, R Vergne, T Hurtut, J Thollot
Expressive 2016, 21-32, 2016
Optimal patch assignment for statistically constrained texture synthesis
J Gutierrez, J Rabin, B Galerne, T Hurtut
Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: 6th International …, 2017
Discrete texture design using a programmable approach
H Loi, T Hurtut, R Vergne, J Thollot
ACM SIGGRAPH 2013 Talks, 1-1, 2013
2D artistic images analysis, a content-based survey
T Hurtut
Artistic line-drawings retrieval based on the pictorial content
T Hurtut, Y Gousseau, F Cheriet, F Schmitt
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 4 (1), 1-23, 2011
Pictorial analysis of line-drawings
T Hurtut, Y Gousseau, F Cheriet, F Schmitt
EUROGRAPHICS Symposium on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics (CAe'08), 123-130, 2008
Object description based on spatial relations between level-sets
M Garnier, T Hurtut, L Wendling
2012 International Conference on Digital Image Computing Techniques and …, 2012
Automatic closed edge detection using level lines selection
T Hurtut, F Cheriet
Image Analysis and Recognition: 4th International Conference, ICIAR 2007 …, 2007
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