Guillaume Foldes-Busque
Guillaume Foldes-Busque
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Unexplained chest pain in the ED: could it be panic?
G Foldes-Busque, A Marchand, JM Chauny, J Poitras, J Diodati, I Denis, ...
The American journal of emergency medicine 29 (7), 743-751, 2011
Comparing two brief psychological interventions to usual care in panic disorder patients presenting to the emergency department with chest pain
MJ Lessard, A Marchand, MÈ Pelland, G Belleville, A Vadeboncoeur, ...
Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy 40 (2), 129-147, 2012
Impact of seasonal and lunar cycles on psychological symptoms in the ED: an empirical investigation of widely spread beliefs
G Belleville, G Foldes-Busque, M Dixon, É Marquis-Pelletier, S Barbeau, ...
General hospital psychiatry 35 (2), 192-194, 2013
Heart-focused anxiety and health care seeking in patients with non-cardiac chest pain: A prospective study
MA Tremblay, I Denis, S Turcotte, RP Fleet, P Archambault, CE Dionne, ...
General hospital psychiatry 50, 83-89, 2018
Early detection and treatment of panic disorder with or without agoraphobia: update
G Foldes-Busque, A Marchand, P Landry
Canadian Family Physician Medecin de Famille Canadien 53 (10), 1686-1693, 2007
Efficacy of 2 interventions for panic disorder in patients presenting to the ED with chest pain
MÈ Pelland, A Marchand, MJ Lessard, G Belleville, JM Chauny, ...
The American journal of emergency medicine 29 (9), 1051-1061, 2011
Cannabis against chronic musculoskeletal pain: a scoping review on users and their perceptions
D Furrer, E Kröger, M Marcotte, N Jauvin, R Bélanger, M Ware, ...
Journal of Cannabis Research 3 (1), 41, 2021
A closer look at the relationships between panic attacks, emergency department visits and non-cardiac chest pain
G Foldes-Busque, I Denis, J Poitras, RP Fleet, P Archambault, CE Dionne
Journal of health psychology 24 (6), 717-725, 2019
Suicidality and panic in emergency department patients with unexplained chest pain
G Foldes-Busque, R Fleet, J Poitras, JM Chauny, JG Diodati, A Marchand
General hospital psychiatry 34 (2), 178-184, 2012
Preliminary investigation of the Panic Screening Score for emergency department patients with unexplained chest pain
G Foldes‐Busque, R Fleet, J Poitras, JM Chauny, G Belleville, I Denis, ...
Academic Emergency Medicine 18 (3), 322-325, 2011
Epidemiology and prognostic implications of panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder in patients with coronary artery disease: rationale and design for a longitudinal …
G Foldes-Busque, CE Dionne, S Turcotte, PJ Tully, MA Tremblay, ...
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 21, 1-9, 2021
Physical activity and disability in patients with noncardiac chest pain: a longitudinal cohort study
J Castonguay, S Turcotte, RP Fleet, PM Archambault, CE Dionne, I Denis, ...
BioPsychoSocial Medicine 14, 1-8, 2020
Characteristics of Panic Disorder Patients Consulting an Emergency Department with Noncardiac Chest Pain.
G Belleville, G Foldes-Busque, A Marchand
Primary Psychiatry 17 (3), 2010
To be or not to be positive: Development of a tool to assess the relationship of negative, positive, and realistic thinking with psychological distress in breast cancer
É Gilbert, J Savard, P Gagnon, MH Savard, H Ivers, G Foldes-Busque
Journal of Health Psychology 23 (5), 731-742, 2018
A prospective cohort study to refine and validate the Panic Screening Score for identifying panic attacks associated with unexplained chest pain in the emergency department
G Foldes-Busque, I Denis, J Poitras, RP Fleet, P Archambault, CE Dionne
BMJ open 3 (10), e003877, 2013
A study of myocardial perfusion in patients with panic disorder and low risk coronary artery disease after 35% CO2 challenge
R Fleet, G Foldes-Busque, J Grégoire, F Harel, C Laurin, D Burelle, ...
Journal of Psychosomatic Research 76 (1), 41-45, 2014
Factors associated with pain level in non-cardiac chest pain patients with comorbid panic disorder
G Foldes-Busque, S Hamel, G Belleville, R Fleet, J Poitras, JM Chauny, ...
BioPsychoSocial Medicine 10, 1-8, 2016
The Revised-Panic Screening Score for emergency department patients with noncardiac chest pain.
G Foldes-Busque, I Denis, J Poitras, RP Fleet, PM Archambault, ...
Health Psychology 37 (9), 828, 2018
Subcutaneous Fentanyl Administration: A Novel Approach for Pain Management in a Rural and Suburban Prehospital Setting.
J Lebon, F Fournier, B François, D Hebert, R Fleet, ...
Prehospital Emergency Care 8, 1-9, 2016
Nonfearful panic attacks in patients with noncardiac chest pain
G Foldes-Busque, RP Fleet, I Denis, J Poitras, JM Chauny, JG Diodati, ...
Psychosomatics 56 (5), 513-520, 2015
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