Fredy Ruiz
Cited by
Cited by
A time-of-use pricing strategy for managing electric vehicle clusters
J Vuelvas, F Ruiz, G Gruosso
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 25, 100411, 2021
Limiting gaming opportunities on incentive-based demand response programs
J Vuelvas, F Ruiz, G Gruosso
Applied Energy 225, 668-681, 2018
An optimal control approach to steam distillation of essential oils from aromatic plants
F Valderrama, F Ruiz
Computers & Chemical Engineering 117, 25-31, 2018
Direct filtering: A new approach to optimal filter design for nonlinear systems
C Novara, F Ruiz, M Milanese
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 58 (1), 86-99, 2012
Optimal strategy to exploit the flexibility of an electric vehicle charging station
C Diaz-Londono, L Colangelo, F Ruiz, D Patino, C Novara, G Chicco
Energies 12 (20), 3834, 2019
Modeling and control of water booster pressure systems as flexible loads for demand response
C Diaz, F Ruiz, D Patino
Applied Energy 204, 106-116, 2017
Direct identification of optimal SM-LPV filters and application to vehicle yaw rate estimation
C Novara, F Ruiz, M Milanese
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 19 (1), 5-17, 2010
Rational consumer decisions in a peak time rebate program
J Vuelvas, F Ruiz
Electric Power Systems Research 143, 533-543, 2017
Residential consumer preferences to demand response: Analysis of different motivators to enroll in direct load control demand response
A Sridhar, S Honkapuro, F Ruiz, J Stoklasa, S Annala, A Wolff, ...
Energy Policy 173, 113420, 2023
A novel incentive-based demand response model for Cournot competition in electricity markets
J Vuelvas, F Ruiz
Energy Systems 10 (1), 95-112, 2019
Smart charge of an electric vehicles station: A model predictive control approach
C Diaz, F Ruiz, D Patino
2018 IEEE conference on control technology and applications (CCTA), 54-59, 2018
Coordination of specialised energy aggregators for balancing service provision
C Diaz-Londono, CA Correa-Florez, J Vuelvas, A Mazza, F Ruiz, ...
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 32, 100817, 2022
pH measurement IoT system for precision agriculture applications
GA Taylor, HB Torres, F Ruiz, MN Marin, DIM Chaves, LT Arboleda, ...
IEEE Latin America Transactions 17 (05), 823-832, 2019
Toward residential flexibility—Consumer willingness to enroll household loads in demand response
A Sridhar, S Honkapuro, F Ruiz, J Stoklasa, S Annala, A Wolff, ...
Applied Energy 342, 121204, 2023
SMGO-Δ: Balancing caution and reward in global optimization with black-box constraints
L Sabug Jr, F Ruiz, L Fagiano
Information Sciences 605, 15-42, 2022
SMGO: A set membership approach to data-driven global optimization
L Sabug Jr, F Ruiz, L Fagiano
Automatica 133, 109890, 2021
Experimental modeling and aggregation strategy for thermoelectric refrigeration units as flexible loads
C Diaz-Londono, D Enescu, F Ruiz, A Mazza
Applied Energy 272, 115065, 2020
A virtual sensor for electric vehicles’ state of charge estimation
G Gruosso, G Storti Gajani, F Ruiz, JD Valladolid, D Patino
Electronics 9 (2), 278, 2020
Direct data-driven filter design for uncertain LTI systems with bounded noise
M Milanese, F Ruiz, M Taragna
Automatica 46 (11), 1773-1784, 2010
A study on the use of virtual sensors in vehicle control
M Canale, L Fagiano, F Ruiz, MC Signorile
2008 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 4402-4407, 2008
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Articles 1–20