Amit Shah
Amit Shah
Research Assistant, Computer Aided Medical Procedures, Technical University Munich
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Cited by
Multimodal image-guided prostate fusion biopsy based on automatic deformable registration
O Zettinig, A Shah, C Hennersperger, M Eiber, C Kroll, H Kübler, T Maurer, ...
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery 10 (12 …, 2015
Global registration of ultrasound to mri using the LC2 metric for enabling neurosurgical guidance
W Wein, A Ladikos, B Fuerst, A Shah, K Sharma, N Navab
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2013, 34-41, 2013
Deeply learnt hashing forests for content based image retrieval in prostate MR images
A Shah, S Conjeti, N Navab, A Katouzian
SPIE Medical Imaging, 978414-978414-6, 2016
An open source multimodal image-guided prostate biopsy framework
A Shah, O Zettinig, T Maurer, C Precup, CS zu Berge, J Weiss, B Frisch, ...
Clinical Image-Based Procedures. Translational Research in Medical Imaging, 1-8, 2014
217 PSMA-PET/MRI-guided transrectal fusion biopsy for the detection of prostate cancer
E Storz, A Shah, O Zettinig, M Eiber, HJ Wester, H Kübler, JE Gschwend, ...
European Urology Supplements 2 (14), e217, 2015
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Articles 1–5