Geneviève Lajoie
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Drawing ecological inferences from coincident patterns of population‐and community‐level biodiversity
M Vellend, G Lajoie, A Bourret, C Múrria, SW Kembel, D Garant
Molecular Ecology 23 (12), 2890-2901, 2014
Understanding context dependence in the contribution of intraspecific variation to community trait–environment matching
G Lajoie, M Vellend
Ecology 96 (11), 2912-2922, 2015
Adaptive matching between phyllosphere bacteria and their tree hosts in a neotropical forest
G Lajoie, R Maglione, SW Kembel
Microbiome 8 (1), 70, 2020
Making the most of trait-based approaches for microbial ecology
G Lajoie, SW Kembel
Trends in Microbiology 27 (10), 814-823, 2019
Functional diversity: An epistemic roadmap
C Malaterre, AC Dussault, S Rousseau-Mermans, G Barker, BE Beisner, ...
BioScience 69 (10), 800-811, 2019
Characterizing the contribution of plasticity and genetic differentiation to community‐level trait responses to environmental change
G Lajoie, M Vellend
Ecology and evolution 8 (8), 3895-3907, 2018
Major losses of nutrients following a severe drought in a boreal forest
D Houle, G Lajoie, L Duchesne
Nature plants 2 (12), 16187, 2016
Host neighborhood shapes bacterial community assembly and specialization on tree species across a latitudinal gradient
G Lajoie, SW Kembel
Ecological Monographs 91, e01443, 2021
Plant‐bacteria associations are phylogenetically structured in the phyllosphere
G Lajoie, SW Kembel
Molecular Ecology 30 (21), 5572-5587, 2021
Earlier spring reduces potential for gene flow via reduced flowering synchrony across an elevational gradient
S Rivest, G Lajoie, DA Watts, M Vellend
American Journal of Botany 108 (3), 538-545, 2021
Beyond specialization: re-examining routes of host influence on symbiont evolution
G Lajoie, LW Parfrey
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 37 (7), 590-598, 2022
Alternative approaches to identify core bacteria in Fucus distichus microbiome and assess their distribution and host-specificity
J Park, K Davis, G Lajoie, LW Parfrey
Environmental Microbiome 17 (1), 55, 2022
How tree traits modulate tree methane fluxes: A review
MA Moisan, G Lajoie, P Constant, C Martineau, V Maire
Science of The Total Environment, 173730, 2024
Bacterial endophytes of sugar maple leaves vary more idiosyncratically than epiphytes across a large geographic area
G Demarquest, G Lajoie
FEMS Microbiology Ecology, fiad079, 2023
Host specificity of plant‐associated bacteria is negatively associated with genome size and host abundance along a latitudinal gradient
Z Wang, G Lajoie, Y Jiang, M Zhang, C Chu, Y Chen, S Fang, G Jin, ...
Ecology Letters 27 (6), e14447, 2024
Experimental exposure to winter thaws reveals tipping point in yellow birch bud mortality and phenology in the northern temperate forest of Québec, Canada
B Marquis, G Lajoie
Climate Change Ecology 7, 100087, 2024
Data‐driven identification of major axes of functional variation in bacteria
G Lajoie, SW Kembel
Environmental Microbiology 25, 2580-2591, 2023
Corrigendum: Functional Diversity: An Epistemic Roadmap
C Malaterre, AC Dussault, E Mermans, G Barker, BE Beisner, F Bouchard, ...
BioScience 71 (9), 996-996, 2021
Ecological and evolutionary perspectives on microbial community assembly
G Lajoie
Université du Québec à Montréal, 2020
Des sources de l'association trait-environnement entre les communautés végétales: Comprendre la dépendance sur le contexte de la contribution de la variation intraspécifique
G Lajoie
Université de Sherbrooke, 2014
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