Darren Bender
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Cited by
Habitat loss and population decline: a meta‐analysis of the patch size effect
DJ Bender, TA Contreras, L Fahrig
Ecology 79 (2), 517-533, 1998
Using patch isolation metrics to predict animal movement in binary landscapes
DJ Bender, L Tischendorf, L Fahrig
Landscape ecology 18, 17-39, 2003
Do small mammals avoid roads because of the traffic?
RL McGregor, DJ Bender, L Fahrig
Journal of Applied Ecology 45 (1), 117-123, 2008
Matrix structure obscures the relationship between interpatch movement and patch size and isolation
DJ Bender, L Fahrig
Ecology 86 (4), 1023-1033, 2005
Evaluation of patch isolation metrics in mosaic landscapes for specialist vs. generalist dispersers
L Tischendorf, DJ Bender, L Fahrig
Landscape Ecology 18, 41-50, 2003
Focal patch landscape studies for wildlife management: optimizing sampling effort across scales
JM Brennan, DJ Bender, TA Contreras, L Fahrig
Integrating landscape ecology into natural resource management, 68-91, 2002
Assessing critical habitat: evaluating the relative contribution of habitats to population persistence
JA Heinrichs, DJ Bender, DL Gummer, NH Schumaker
Biological Conservation 143 (9), 2229-2237, 2010
Habitat degradation and loss as key drivers of regional population extinction
JA Heinrichs, DJ Bender, NH Schumaker
Ecological Modelling 335, 64-73, 2016
Lunar condition influences coyote (Canis latrans) howling
DJ Bender, EM Bayne, RM Brigham
American Midland Naturalist, 413-417, 1996
Declining sand dune activity in the southern Canadian prairies: Historical context, controls and ecosystem implications
CH Hugenholtz, D Bender, SA Wolfe
Aeolian Research 2 (2-3), 71-82, 2010
Can bison play a role in conserving habitat for endangered sandhills species in Canada?
TA Fox, CH Hugenholtz, D Bender, CC Gates
Biodiversity and conservation 21, 1441-1455, 2012
Climate change impacts on the conservation outlook of populations on the poleward periphery of species ranges: a case study of Canadian black‐tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys …
T Stephens, SC Wilson, F Cassidy, D Bender, D Gummer, DHV Smith, ...
Global Change Biology 24 (2), 836-847, 2018
Testing for habitat detection distances using orientation data
BJ Goodwin, DJ Bender, TA Contreras, L Fahrig, JF Wegner
Oikos 84 (1), 160-163, 1999
Botfly (Diptera: oestridae) parasitism of ord's kangaroo rats (Dipodomys ordii) at suffield national wildlife area, Alberta, Canada
DL Gummer, MR Forbes, DJ Bender, RMR Barclay
The Journal of parasitology, 601-604, 1997
Divergence in sink contributions to population persistence
JA Heinrichs, JJ Lawler, NH Schumaker, CB Wilsey, DJ Bender
Conservation Biology 29 (6), 1674-1683, 2015
A Robust Test of Spatial Predictive Models: Geographic Cross-Validation.
DJ Lieske, DJ Bender
Journal of Environmental Informatics 17 (2), 2011
Critical habitat
JM Reed, HR Akçakaya, M Burgman, D Bender, SR Beissinger, JM Scott
Assessing landscape relationships for habitat generalists
A Stewart, PE Komers, DJ Bender
Ecoscience 17 (1), 28-36, 2010
Effects of landscape and patch-level attributes on regional population persistence
JA Heinrichs, DJ Bender, DL Gummer, NH Schumaker
Journal for Nature Conservation 26, 56-64, 2015
Occurrence-based Habitat Model for the Ord's Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys Ordii) in Alberta
Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. Fish and Wildlife Division
Government of Alberta, 2010
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Articles 1–20