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Broadband locally resonant metamaterial sandwich plate for improved noise insulation in the coincidence region
Z Liu, R Rumpler, L Feng
Composite structures 200, 165-172, 2018
An observation of the impact of CoViD-19 recommendation measures monitored through urban noise levels in central Stockholm, Sweden
R Rumpler, S Venkataraman, P Göransson
Sustainable cities and society 63, 102469, 2020
A modal-based reduction method for sound absorbing porous materials in poro-acoustic finite element models
R Rumpler, JF Deü, P Göransson
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 132 (5), 3162-3179, 2012
Locally resonant metamaterial curved double wall to improve sound insulation at the ring frequency and mass-spring-mass resonance
Z Liu, R Rumpler, L Feng
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 149, 107179, 2021
A finite element approach combining a reduced‐order system, Padé approximants, and an adaptive frequency windowing for fast multi‐frequency solution of poro‐acoustic problems
R Rumpler, P Göransson, JF Deü
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 97 (10), 759-784, 2014
Investigation of the sound transmission through a locally resonant metamaterial cylindrical shell in the ring frequency region
Z Liu, R Rumpler, L Feng
Journal of Applied Physics 125 (11), 2019
Twist, tilt and stretch: From isometric Kelvin cells to anisotropic cellular materials
H Mao, R Rumpler, M Gaborit, P Göransson, J Kennedy, D O'Connor, ...
Materials & Design 193, 108855, 2020
Performance of a restrained-interface substructuring FE model for reduction of structural-acoustic problems with poroelastic damping
R Rumpler, A Legay, JF Deü
Computers & structures 89 (23), 2233-2248, 2011
An inverse method for characterisation of the static elastic Hooke’s tensors of solid frame of anisotropic open-cell materials
H Mao, R Rumpler, P Göransson
International Journal of Engineering Science 147, 103198, 2020
Efficient finite element approach for structural-acoustic applicationns including 3D modelling of sound absorbing porous materials
R Rumpler
Conservatoire national des arts et metiers-CNAM, 2012
Near-real-time dynamic noise mapping and exposure assessment using calibrated microscopic traffic simulations
S Baclet, K Khoshkhah, M Pourmoradnasseri, R Rumpler, A Hadachi
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 124, 103922, 2023
A residue-based mode selection and sorting procedure for efficient poroelastic modeling in acoustic finite element applications
R Rumpler, P Göransson, JF Deü
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134 (6), 4730-4741, 2013
From strategic noise maps to receiver-centric noise exposure sensitivity mapping
S Baclet, S Venkataraman, R Rumpler, R Billsjö, J Horvath, PE Österlund
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 102, 103114, 2022
A perfectly matched layer formulation adapted for fast frequency sweeps of exterior acoustics finite element models
AV de Conchard, H Mao, R Rumpler
Journal of Computational Physics 398, 108878, 2019
Padé approximants and the modal connection: Towards increased robustness for fast parametric sweeps
R Rumpler
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 113 (1), 65-81, 2018
A combined electromagnetic and acoustic analysis of a triaxial carbon fiber weave for reflector antenna applications
A Ericsson, R Rumpler, D Sjöberg, P Göransson, N Wellander, ...
Aerospace Science and Technology 58, 401-417, 2016
Vehicle-specific noise exposure cost: Noise impact allocation methodology for microscopic traffic simulations
J Nygren, S Boij, R Rumpler, CJ O’Reilly
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 118, 103712, 2023
Noise measurements as a proxy to evaluating the response to recommendations in times of crisis: An update analysis of the transition to the second wave of the CoViD-19 pandemic …
R Rumpler, S Venkataraman, P Göransson
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 149 (3), 1838-1842, 2021
An adaptive strategy for the bivariate solution of finite element problems using multivariate nested Padé approximants
R Rumpler, P Göransson, HJ Rice
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 100 (9), 689-710, 2014
Improving strategic noise mapping of railway noise in Europe: Refining CNOSSOS-EU calculations using TWINS
S Venkataraman, R Rumpler, S Leth, M Toward, T Bustad
Science of the Total Environment 839, 156216, 2022
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