Hossein Esteky
Hossein Esteky
Professor of Neural Sciences, SBMU School of Medicine
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Matching categorical object representations in inferior temporal cortex of man and monkey
N Kriegeskorte, M Mur, DA Ruff, R Kiani, J Bodurka, H Esteky, K Tanaka, ...
Neuron 60 (6), 1126-1141, 2008
Object category structure in response patterns of neuronal population in monkey inferior temporal cortex
R Kiani, H Esteky, K Mirpour, K Tanaka
Journal of neurophysiology 97 (6), 4296-4309, 2007
Microstimulation of inferotemporal cortex influences face categorization
SR Afraz, R Kiani, H Esteky
Nature 442 (7103), 692-695, 2006
Differences in onset latency of macaque inferotemporal neural responses to primate and non-primate faces
R Kiani, H Esteky, K Tanaka
Journal of neurophysiology 94 (2), 1587-1596, 2005
Orientation-selective adaptation during motion-induced blindness
L Montaser-Kouhsari, F Moradi, A Zandvakili, H Esteky
Perception 33 (2), 249-254, 2004
A study of N250 event-related brain potential during face and non-face detection tasks
S Nasr, H Esteky
Journal of vision 9 (5), 5-5, 2009
Dimensionality of object representations in monkey inferotemporal cortex
SR Lehky, R Kiani, H Esteky, K Tanaka
Neural computation 26 (10), 2135-2162, 2014
View-independent face recognition with mixture of experts
R Ebrahimpour, E Kabir, H Esteky, MR Yousefi
Neurocomputing 71 (4-6), 1103-1107, 2008
Corticocortical connections of cat primary somatosensory cortex
HD Schwark, H Esteky, EG Jones
Experimental brain research 91, 425-434, 1992
Temporal dynamics of visual category representation in the macaque inferior temporal cortex
MRA Dehaqani, AH Vahabie, R Kiani, MN Ahmadabadi, BN Araabi, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 116 (2), 587-601, 2016
Statistics of visual responses in primate inferotemporal cortex to object stimuli
SR Lehky, R Kiani, H Esteky, K Tanaka
Journal of Neurophysiology 106 (3), 1097-1117, 2011
Lost in music: neural signature of pleasure and its role in modulating attentional resources
S Nemati, H Akrami, S Salehi, H Esteky, S Moghimi
Brain Research 1711, 7-15, 2019
Adaptation to apparent motion in crowding condition
R Rajimehr, M Vaziri-Pashkam, SR Afraz, H Esteky
Vision Research 44 (9), 925-931, 2004
Effects of ketamine on synaptic transmission and long-term potentiation in layer II/III of rat visual cortex in vitro
M Salami, Y Fathollahi, H Esteky, F Motamedi, N Atapour
European journal of pharmacology 390 (3), 287-293, 2000
Neural representation of ambiguous visual objects in the inferior temporal cortex
N Emadi, H Esteky
PloS one 8 (10), e76856, 2013
A mixture of multilayer perceptron experts network for modeling face/nonface recognition in cortical face processing regions
R Ebrahimpour, E Kabir, H Esteky, MR Yousefi
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 14 (2), 151-162, 2008
Effects of neonatal C-fiber depletion on the integration of paired-whisker inputs in rat barrel cortex
R Farazifard, R Kiani, M Noorbakhsh, H Esteky
Experimental brain research 162, 115-121, 2005
Cholinergic modulation promotes attentional modulation in primary visual cortex-a modeling study
A Sajedin, MB Menhaj, AH Vahabie, S Panzeri, H Esteky
Scientific reports 9 (1), 20186, 2019
Computational model of excitatory/inhibitory ratio imbalance role in attention deficit disorders
R Bakhtiari, N Mohammadi Sephavand, M Nili Ahmadabadi, ...
Journal of computational neuroscience 33, 389-404, 2012
Neural correlate of filtering of irrelevant information from visual working memory
S Nasr, A Moeeny, H Esteky
PLoS One 3 (9), e3282, 2008
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Articles 1–20