Alejandra Martínez Monés (ORCID:0000-0003-3201-0345)
Alejandra Martínez Monés (ORCID:0000-0003-3201-0345)
Escuela de Ingeniería Informática. Departamento de Informática. GSIC. Universidad de Valladolid
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Cited by
Cited by
Combining qualitative evaluation and social network analysis for the study of classroom social interactions
A Martınez, Y Dimitriadis, B Rubia, E Gómez, P De la Fuente
Computers & education 41 (4), 353-368, 2003
From mirroring to guiding: A review of state of the art technology for supporting collaborative learning
A Soller, A Martinez, P Jermann, M Muehlenbrock
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 15 (4), 261-290, 2005
Impacts of digital technologies on education and factors influencing schools' digital capacity and transformation: A literature review
S Timotheou, O Miliou, Y Dimitriadis, SV Sobrino, N Giannoutsou, ...
Education and information technologies 28 (6), 6695-6726, 2023
A layered framework for evaluating on-line collaborative learning interactions
T Daradoumis, A Martínez-Monés, F Xhafa
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 64 (7), 622-635, 2006
Scripting and monitoring meet each other: Aligning learning analytics and learning design to support teachers in orchestrating CSCL situations
MJ Rodríguez‐Triana, A Martínez‐Monés, JI Asensio‐Pérez, Y Dimitriadis
British Journal of Educational Technology 46 (2), 330-343, 2015
Supporting teacher orchestration in ubiquitous learning environments: A study in primary education
JA Munoz-Cristobal, IM Jorrin-Abellan, JI Asensio-Perez, ...
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 8 (1), 83-97, 2014
Studying participation networks in collaboration using mixed methods
A Martínez, Y Dimitriadis, E Gómez-Sánchez, B Rubia-Avi, ...
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 1, 383-408, 2006
Multiple case studies to enhance project-based learning in a computer architecture course
A Martínez-Monés, E Gómez-Sánchez, YA Dimitriadis, IM Jorrín-Abellán, ...
IEEE Transactions on Education 48 (3), 482-489, 2005
Capturing and analyzing verbal and physical collaborative learning interactions at an enriched interactive tabletop
R Martinez-Maldonado, Y Dimitriadis, A Martinez-Monés, J Kay, K Yacef
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 8, 455-485, 2013
DESPRO: A method based on roles to provide collaboration analysis support adapted to the participants in CSCL situations
JA Marcos-García, A Martínez-Monés, Y Dimitriadis
Computers & Education 82, 335-353, 2015
To reward and beyond: Analyzing the effect of reward-based strategies in a MOOC
A Ortega-Arranz, ML Bote-Lorenzo, JI Asensio-Pérez, A Martínez-Monés, ...
Computers & Education 142, 103639, 2019
State of the art of interaction analysis for Metacognitive Support & Diagnosis
A Dimitrakopoulou, A Petrou, A Martinez, JA Marcos, V Kollias, P Jermann, ...
The teacher in the loop: Customizing multimodal learning analytics for blended learning
MJ Rodríguez-Triana, LP Prieto, A Martínez-Monés, JI Asensio-Pérez, ...
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Learning Analytics and …, 2018
An integrated approach for analysing and assessing the performance of virtual learning groups
T Daradoumis, A Martínez-Monés, F Xhafa
International Conference on Collaboration and Technology, 289-304, 2004
Recurrent routines: Analyzing and supporting orchestration in technology-enhanced primary classrooms
LP Prieto, S Villagrá-Sobrino, IM Jorrín-Abellán, A Martínez-Monés, ...
Computers & Education 57 (1), 1214-1227, 2011
Learning analytics in small-scale teacher-led innovations: Ethical and data privacy issues
MJ Rodríguez-Triana, A Martínez-Monés, S Villagrá-Sobrino
Journal of Learning Analytics, 2016
Implementación de buenas prácticas en los Trabajos Fin de Grado
D Hernández-Leo, V Moreno Oliver, I Camps, R Clarisó, ...
REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria 11, 269-278, 2013
Understanding student behavior and perceptions toward earning badges in a gamified MOOC
A Ortega-Arranz, E Er, A Martínez-Monés, ML Bote-Lorenzo, ...
Universal Access in the Information Society 18 (3), 533-549, 2019
Towards an xml-based representation of collaborative action
A Martinez, P De la Fuente, Y Dimitriadis
Designing for Change in Networked Learning Environments: Proceedings of the …, 2003
Studying social aspects of computer-supported collaboration with a mixed evaluation approach
A Martínez, Y Dimitriadis, B Rubia, E Gómez, I Garrachón, JA Marcos
Proceedings of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, CSCL 2002, 631-632, 2002
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Articles 1–20